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New Horizontal College English Book One Unit Two Pre-reading Activities Discuss the following questions 1). What are some of the things you think children and their parents might have different ideas about? 2). How can the older and the younger generation have real communication with and understand each other? Background Information 1). Green Waves is a fictional name for a musical group made up by the writer for use in this story. 2). French Lilac Blue is a fictional name for eye-liner make-up made up by the writer for use in this story. While-reading Activities Some Important New Words Weekday n. any day except Sunday and Saturday 工作日(星期六、日以外的日子) That store opens only on weekdays. 这商店只在工作日营业。 blast 1. make a sudden, loud sound 发出猛烈响声 As she entered the room, the sound of western music blasted forth. 她进房间时,猛地响起了西部音乐。 2. break up by explosion 爆破 They blasted a hole in the wall so that they could get through. 他们在墙上炸了一个洞以进入屋内。 3. attack with explosives 以炸药攻击 The soldiers blasted the stronghold. 战士们用炸药炸碉堡。 rhythm rhythm n. regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements 节奏; 韵律 That music has a strong rhythm. 这音乐的节奏感很强。 The rhythm of moving a babys bed can help make a baby sleep. 摇动婴儿床的节奏能帮助婴儿入睡。 Offensive 1. very unpleasant 极讨厌的,令人作呕的 He did something offensive to annoy her. 他做了件令人讨厌的事,令她很生气。 2. for attacking 攻击性的 That country developed lots of offensive guns. 那个国家研制了许多进攻性武器。 disturb 1. interrupt, trouble or bother 打扰, 妨碍 Sorry to disturb you, but I want to speak to Mr. John. 对不起,打搅你了,我想跟约翰先生说几句话。 2. make sb. worried or unhappy 使不安,使烦恼 They were rather disturbed by the way the government tried to cover the truth. 他们对于政府掩盖真相的做法感到不安。 bang (cause to) hit hard and with loud noises (使)撞击;(使)猛击, 使劲敲 He banged on the door. 他砰砰地敲门。 instrument instrument n. 1. an object for producing musical sounds 乐器 Both the violin and the piano are instruments. 小提琴和钢琴都是乐器。 2. a tool 工具 A hammer is an instrument people often use for repairing things. 锤子是人们常用来修理东西的工具。


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