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The Day Mother Cried Guess Chinese Mother 慈母手中线 游子身上衣 临行密密缝 意恐迟迟归 谁言寸草心 报得三春晖 孟母三迁的故事 Western Mother Mothers Day is a time of commemoration and celebration for Mom. It is a time of breakfast in bed, family gatherings, and crayon scribbled I Love Yous. ◆ What type is the text? A narration B description C exposition D argumentation issue n. a particular edition of a magazine or newspaper 刊物的一期 cf. issue n. 问题,争端 issue v. 发表,发布,发行,出版 Expressions: be at issue: 在争论中 2. correspondence n. 通信 Correspond v. 符合,一致;相当,相应;通信 e.g. Her red hat and shoes correspond with her red dress.她的红帽、红鞋和她的红色衣服十分协调。 correspondent n. 对应物;通讯员,记者 corresponding a. 相应的,通讯的 Note: in correspondence with: 和… 相一致;与…有通信联系 3. assume v. take as true without actual proof 假设,假定,主观认为 e.g. I assume that you agree with what Mary has just said. David is not such a fool as you assume him to be. assume v. take as true without actual proof 假设,假定,主观认为 cf. assume v. 假装,装作;承担,担任 assume the responsibility 承担责任 assumption n. Note: assuming (that): 假定…… 4. qualify vt. 使具有资格、使胜任 qualification n. 资格,条件 qualified a.有资格的,胜任的 Expressions: be qualified for / as sth. qualify sb. to do sth. / for sth. 5. respond (to) vi. 回答,答复;反应 response n. 响应 responsible a. 回答的,应答的 负责的 responsibility n. 责任,义务 correspond v. correspondent n. correspondence n. corresponding a. Expressions: respond to + n. / v-ing 6. tension n. a feeling of worry and nervousness 紧张 e.g. With tension in her voice, Ann said she had some bad news to tell me. Just before the job interview, the young man fell his tension building. tension n. a feeling of worry and nervousness 紧张 cf. tension n. 拉力,张力 tense a. n. 拉紧的,紧张的;使紧张 intense a. 强烈的,极度的 intensify v. 使强烈,强化 intensive a. 加强的,集中的 pressure n. (心理上的)压力 press v. 压,催促 compress v. 紧压,压缩 (com- 共同) depress v. 压下;使沮丧 (de- 向下) express v. 表达,表示 (ex- 向外) impress v. 留下印象 (im- 向内) oppress v. 压迫 (op- against ) suppress v. 镇压;遏止 (sup- 在


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