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Article lure vt. 吸引,诱惑 Do not lure her away from her duty. 不要引诱她擅离职守。 Compare: Lure常指“强烈的,不可抗拒的,而且通常是有害的诱惑力”;tempt也表示强烈的诱惑力,但更多地用于“被诱惑者虽然知道不该被诱惑,但无法或难以克制受到诱惑”。 The hope of high profits lured him into questionable dealings. 意欲获取巨额利润诱使他做了那些不诚实的交易。 The steaming apple pie tempted him to disregard his diet. 那热气腾腾的苹果派把他诱惑得顾不上减肥了。 Article stake n. [复数]赌金,赌注 He lost his stakes when the horse finished last. 这匹马跑了 最后一名,他输掉了赌金。 at stake 处于险境,成败未定 Your health is at stake, not your job. 受到威胁的是你的健 康,而不是你的工作。 Article forthcoming a. 即将出现的 He consulted with his publisher about his forthcoming book. 他就自己即将问世的作品咨询出版商意见。 Article shrink vt./vi. 1)(使)收缩,缩小 Washing woolen clothes in hot water will make it shrink. 热水洗毛衣会缩水。 Will this soap shrink woolen clothes? 这种肥皂会使毛衣缩水吗? 2)(尤指因恐惧而)退缩,畏缩 It is a formidable task, but we are determined not to shrink from it. 这是一项非常艰巨的任务,但是我们决不退缩。 She decided to shrink her duty. 她决心逃避责任。 Article mobile a. 1) 行动方便的 Now, with her wheelchair, she is more mobile and able to play a part in her community. 现在,有了轮椅,她行动方便多了,也能参加社区活动了。 2) 移动式的,活动的 The mobile medical team knocked together a makeshift operation table. 流动医疗队匆匆搭起了一张临时手术台。 Article consistently ad. 始终一致地 In the reform we have consistently followed two fundamental principles. 在改革中,我们始终坚持两项基本原则。 consistent a. 一贯的,始终如一的 To conduct dialogue and hold negotiations on peaceful reunification has been our consistent position. 开展对话,进行和平统一谈判,是我们的一贯主张。 Article dress up 装扮,打扮 It’s quite an informal gathering; you needn’t dress up for it. 这是一次非正式的聚会,你不必精心打扮。 dress up as 装扮成 We are supposed to dress up as movie characters for the party, what a novel idea! 我们要在晚会上装扮成电影中的 角色,这是一个多么新奇的主意啊! specific a. 特定的,特有的 China’s affairs should be run according to China’s specific conditions and by Chinese people themselves. 中国的事情要按照中国的国情来办,要由中国人自己来办。 Article uncomplicated a. 1) 不复杂,简单的 You value a natural style and love that which is uncomplicated. 你钟爱自然风格的简单的东西。 2) 易懂的 Each page is written in plain English with uncomplica


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