新视野大学英语第二版Book 1 Unit 2section A.ppt

新视野大学英语第二版Book 1 Unit 2section A.ppt

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I. Word Using concern: ① n. as concerns 关于 as far as... be concerned/so far as... be concerned 关于;至于;就...而言 E.g. What is their concern??他们担心的到底是什么呢? ② vt. be concerned about 关心 be concerned over sth./ be concerned at sth. 为某事忧虑 be concerned with 牵涉到, 与...有关, 参与 E.g. The firms weak financial posture is starting to concern its stockholders.这个公司的财政危机已开始困扰股东 That doesnt concern me. 那与我无关。 click: ① vi. E.g. It was weird to see his cursor click, click, click its way across my screen. 看着他的鼠标指针在我的屏幕上滴答、滴答、滴答地点击,这真是一种不可思议的感觉。 ② n. E.g. move or strike with a click随着滴答声而发生变化 blast: ① v. E.g. The referees blasted their whistles. 裁判高声吹哨。 They need to blast a tunnel through the mountains.他们需要在山中炸开一条隧道。 blast forth(sounds) come out suddenly声音突然响起:blast offTo take off, as a rocket.发射,如火箭的发射:E.g. The spaceship blasted off. 宇宙飞船发射上天了。② n. E.g. an icy blast of wind 一阵冰冷的风 The driver gave a blast on his horn. 汽车司机按了一下喇叭。 The blast from the bomb blew out all the windows in the area. 炸弹爆炸的冲击波震破了这个地区的所有窗户。 burst: burst forth 突然爆发出; 喷出 突然出现 大声喊叫, 突然说出 忽然跳出 burst in/ burst into闯入; 突然出现; 突然...起来; 突然发作 E.g. The sun burst through. 太阳突然出来了。 stuff: 区别stuff与staff: stuff: matter; material 东西;材料 staff: The personnel who carry out a specific enterprise全体雇员 E.g. the teaching staff 全体教员 grab:E.g. grabbed the letter from me从我手里抢走了信toast:① n. E.g. I burned the toast. 我把土司烤焦了。 Lets make a toast! 我们来干杯!② vt. E.g. Toast!干杯! bug:E.g. Dont bug me please. 请不要打扰我。pierce: E.g. The cold pierced him to the bone.他感到寒冷刺骨。bolt: E.g. The horse bolted at the sound of the shot.听到射击声,马脱缰逃跑了。 upset: ① adj. E.g. upset parents心烦意乱的父母② vt. E.g. The bad news upset me.那则坏消息使我心烦意乱。 appeal to 向...呼吁[请求] 投合...的心意; 引起...的兴趣 诉诸(武力) appeal to sb. for 为...向某人呼吁[请求] have appeal 有吸引力, 引人入胜 E.g. Bright colours appeal to small children. 小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。 I appeal to your sense of justice.我呼吁你们拿出正义感 rid: ① adj. He is rid of fever. 他的烧退了。 ② vt. He was finally able to rid himself of all financial worries.他终于能使自己


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