
中国接头标准(GB joint standards).docVIP

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中国接头标准(GB joint standards).doc

中国接头标准(GB joint standards) 编号 中文名称 英文名称 DL/T 542-1994(2005) 钢熔化焊T形接头角焊缝超声波检验方法和质量分级 () DL/T 820-2002 管道焊接接头超声波检验技术规程 () DL/T 821-2002 钢制承压管道对接焊接接头射线检验技术规范 () GB/T 10752-2005 船用钢管对焊接头 Marine steel butt-welding fittings GB/T 11265-1989 轻轨用接头夹板 Fish plates for light rails GB/T 11363-2008 钎焊接头强度试验办法 Test method of the strength for brazed and soldered joint GB/T 11618.1-2008 铜管接头 第1部分:钎焊式管件 () GB/T 11618.2-2008 铜管接头.第2部分:卡压式管件 Pipe fittings of copper and copper alloys.Part 2:Fittings of press type GB/T 12465-2007 管路补偿接头 Piping compensatory couplings GB/T 12605-2008 无损检测.金属管道熔化焊环向对接接头射线照相检测方法 Non-destructive testing.Test methods for radiographic testing of circumferential fusion-welded butt joints in metallic pipes and tubes GB/T 12736-2009 输送带 机械接头强度的测定 静态试验方法 () GB/T 14137-1993 光纤机械式固定接头插入损耗测试方法 Optical fiber mechanical-type splice insertion loss test GB/T 14149-1993 实验室玻璃仪器 互换球形磨砂接头 Laboratory glassware--Interchangeable spherial ground joints GB/T 14171-1993 气制动管路螺纹孔和管接头外螺纹 Motor vehicles--Pneumatic braking systems--Tapped holes and male fittings GB/T 14514.1-1993 气动管接头试验方法 Pneumatic fluid power. Tube fittings. Test methods GB/T 15830-2008 无损检测.钢制管道环向焊缝对接接头超声检测方法 Non-destructive testing.Practice for ultrasonic testing of circumferential butt welds in steel pipes and tubes GB/T 16529-1996 光纤光缆接头 第1部分;总规范 构件和配件 Splices for optical fibres and cables. Part 1: Generic specification--Hardware and accessories GB/T 16529.2-1997 光纤光缆接头 第2部分;分规范 光纤光缆接头盒和集纤盘 Splices for optical fibres and cables. Part 2: Sectional specification. Splice organizers and closures for optical fibres and cables GB/T 16529.3-1997 光纤光缆接头 第3部分;分规范 光纤光缆熔接式接头 Splices for optical fibres and cables. Part 3: Sectional specification. Fusion splices for optical fibres and cables GB/T 16529.4-1997 光纤光缆接头 第4部分;分规范 光纤光缆机械式接头 Splices for optical fibres and cables. Part 4: Sectional specification. Mechanical splices for optical fibres and


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