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《商务英语交际》教案 Unit 2 Company History . Company Activities (公司历史及公司活动) 授课教师:顾冠男 授课班级:09商务英语(1)、(2) Part One I. Teaching Aims 1. Knowledge To enable Ss to get background information of Volkswagen and understand reasons, ways of globalization and the most suitable products to globalize 2. Ability To enable Ss to introduce a company and talk about its development. To raise awareness of cohesion and connectors of addition and contrast 3.★Attitude To be aware of the core of Volkswagen’s culture II. Teaching Points The important points: To practice the oral English by understanding the development of VW 2. The difficult points: To analyze the basic points of globalization III. Teaching Steps 1. Warm-up discussion 2. Reading comprehension 3. Analysis of globalization 4. ★Conclusion Part Two I. Warm-up Discussion To enjoy an advertisement II. Reading Comprehension 1.Company history To read the passage then make a mini-presentation 2.Company development 1). To analyze reasons of globalization 2). To analyze ways of globalization 3) To analyze the suitable products to globalize 4). To make a mini-presentation 3.Company culture 1). Meanings of Volkswagen 2). Corporate culture III. Conclusion Important factors through the development of Volkswagen and the enlightenment we get IV. Homework (discussion) 1. Among three ways of expanding overseas, which one is the best? 2. What factors affect the way a company chooses? Part Three This course dwells on communication. The students are required to be more active in class to express their own ideas, then the basic concepts of business could be mastered and the practical skills such as listening and speaking could be improved accordingly. 第一部分 I. 教学目标 1. 知识目标(商务背景) 围绕大众公司的历史及其发展分析全球化经营的原因、主要方式和产品特征。 2. 能力目标(语言训练) 围绕大众公司发展这一商务背景突出英语语言表达中起承转合连接词的运用,注重语言表达的逻辑性及层次性。 3. ★素质目标(素质渗透) 以大众公司品牌文化中的“以人为本、爱心、诚信、和谐”为切入点进行素质渗透。 II. 教学点 1. 重点: 以大众公司的发展这一商务背景为载体强化英语语言表达能力的练习。 2. 难点: 商务发展中全球化经营的分析 III. 教学步骤 1


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