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国家“七五”项目—流行性出血热研究,中药组病死率为1.1%,西医组病死率为5.08%(P<0.01); National Seventh Five project - study of epidemic hemorrhagic fever, mortality was 1.1% in TCM, 5.08% in WM SARS的中医研究,获得国家科技进步二等奖?。 The study TCM on SARs won the State Science and Technology Progress Award 前列腺癌基因和mRNA变化:一个2千万多个mRNA标签的正常前列腺组织和雄性激素敏感癌症细胞株的数据库,证明典型早期癌症阶段和典型的晚期阶段相比,有2000余种mRNA 表达发生改变。 Gene and mRNA changes in prostate cancer: over 2 million mRNA labels of the normal and androgen-sensitive prostate cancer cell line database, show that compared with the typical early cancer stage and late stage of the typical, more than 2,000 mRNA expression have changed. 复杂基因、蛋白变化的难预知性 Difficult predictability of complex gene and protein changes Science 2004; 306(22): 640-643 一个功能基因改变会引起多少蛋白变化? How many protein changes induced by single functional gene changes? 一个功能蛋白改变是多少基因调控的结果? How many gene regulation resulted in a single functional protein change? 目前检测到的基因、蛋白,哪些发挥了作用?哪些属潜在变化?谁是原发基因?谁是继发基因? Which gene or protein detected currently takes action? Which one belongs to standbyer? Which one is original gene or secondary gene? 当药物干预某一基因、蛋白时,机体会发生哪些适应性变化? When gene or protein was intervened by drugs, what adaptive changes occur? 现代生物技术仍难以辨识清楚。 Modern biotechnology is still difficult to identify clearly. 对单基因疾病,可尝试改变或纠正基因结构;对于多基因复杂疾病,则需要从基因和蛋白质的功能调控入手,提高或激发机体自我修复能力,使其达到相对有序状态。 As for single-gene disorders, we can try to change or correct the gene structure; for more complex multi-genes disease, we need to control the functions of genes and proteins, increase or stimulate the body to repair itself, to reach the relative order. 人类在漫长的演化过程中,形成了识别和适应自然界的属性。 Human beings have the attributes of distinguish and fitting the nature during the endless evolvement. 毋庸置疑,其基因、蛋白质的多态性和自然界变化存在着相容性,或者说人体的生物信息平衡和自然界息息相关。 without doubt, both gene and protein polymorphism and the natural change exist compatibility, or biological transformation is closely related to natural balance. 人体是一个有机的整体,构成人体的各个组成部分在结构上不可分割


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