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Chapter 9-1 Language and Literature Literature What is literature?? Nobody has found a universally satisfactory answer to that question.? Many people would agree that literature is words artfully arranged to stimulate feelings and impart understanding.? Some would also agree that literature can be grouped into three genres: fiction, poetry, and Drama. From these three basic genres, more genres branch out.? Historical fiction is one of these branches. A work of literature must both entertain and enlighten the reader; most other kinds of writing, by contrast, aim only at enlightenment”. Language and Literature There is a close relationship between language and literature. The part of linguistics that studies the language of literature is termed literary stylistics, which focuses on the study of linguistic features related to literary style. Part 1Sound Features Rhyme Rhyme is the repetition of an identical or similarly accented sound or sounds in a work. Lyricists may find multiple ways to rhyme within a verse, like end rhymes, internal rhymes, cross rhymes and random rhymes. E.g. Come live with me and be my love And we will all the pleasures prove Rhyme gives poems flow and rhythm, helping the lyricist tell a story and convey a mood. |Humpty |Dumpty |sat on a |wall |Humpty |Dumpty |had a great |fall |All the king’s |horses and |all the king’s |men |Couldn’t put |Humpty to|gether a|gain 汉语诗行 松下轩廊竹下房,暖檐晴日满绳床。 净名居士经三卷,荣启先生琴一张。 老去齿衰嫌橘醋,病来肺渴觉茶香。 有时闲酌无人伴,独自腾腾入醉乡。(白居易) 树绕村庄,水满坡塘。倚东风,豪兴徜徉。小园几许,收尽春光。有桃花红,梨花白,菜花黄。 远远围墙,隐隐茅堂。扬青旗,流水桥傍。偶然乘兴,步过东冈。正莺儿啼,燕儿舞,蝶儿忙。(秦观) 宋词韵律 伤高怀远几时穷?无物似情浓。离愁正引千丝乱,更东陌,飞絮濛濛。嘶骑渐遥,征尘不断,何处认郎踪。 双鸳池沼水溶溶,南北小桡通。梯横画阁黄昏后,又还是斜月帘栊。沉恨细思,不如桃杏,尤解嫁东风。 (张先) Different Rhymes Assonance (准押韵) describe syllables with a common vowel (cVc), e.g. live-with-will/ come-love Consonance (辅押韵) describe syllables ending with the same consonants (cvC), e.g. will-all Reverse rhyme (反韵) describes syllables sharing