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索绪尔, 瑞士著名语言学家。1916年,索绪尔去世以后,它的学生将他的讲义 (A course of general linguistics)整理才出版。书中阐发的他的语言学思想,对于现代语言学的发展具有深远的意义。 提出了语言是一个符号系统的主张; 区分了语言、言语和言语活动; 论述了语言系统性与符号的价值; 区分了历史语言学与共时语言学; 提出了组合关系和聚合关系的概念; 提出了建立符号学(semiotics)的思想。 Langue is abstract; parole is specific to the situation in which it occurs; Langue is not actually spoken by anyone; parole is always a naturally occurring event; Langue is relatively stable and systematic; parole is subject to personal and situational constraints. 如果我们能够全部掌握储存在每个人脑子里的词语形象,也许会接触到构成语言的社会纽带。这是通过语言实践存放在某一社会集团全体成员的宝库,一个潜存在每一个的脑子里,或者说得更确切些,潜存在一群人的脑子里的语法体系;因为在任何人的脑子里,语言都不是完备的,它只有在集体中才能完全存在。 1.9.4 Competence and Performance (语言能力和语言运用) Competence is the speaker-listener’s knowledge of his language and performance is the actual use of language in concrete situations. Competence enables a language user to produce and understand sentences, including sentences that he has never heard before, and to recognize grammatical mistakes and ambiguities The shooting of the hunter is terrible. The chicken is too hot to eat. Flying planes can be dangerous. 诺姆·乔姆斯基 Noam Chomsky ? (1928-–) US theoretical linguist and political activist. His theory of transformational grammar was set out in Syntactic Structures (1957). Halliday proposes a theory of metafunctions of language, that is, language has ideational, interpersonal and textual functions. The ideational component is that part of the linguistic system which is concerned with the expression of “content”, with the function that language has “of being about something.” experiential: logical: more directly concerned with the representation of experience the abstract logical relations which derive only indirectly from experience The interpersonal component is concerned with the social, expressive and conative(意动的) functions of language, with expressing the speaker’s “angle”: his attitudes and judgments, his encoding of the role relationships in situation, and his motive in saying anything at all.


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