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摘 要 石灰石湿法烟气脱硫是目前工艺较为成熟、应用最广泛的脱硫工艺,其脱硫过程是气液反应,反应速度快、脱硫效率高,综合经济性能较好,在国内电厂脱硫工艺中被广泛应用。在烟气脱硫系统中,控制系统的设计非常重要,控制系统设计是否恰当直接影响脱硫系统的运行,甚至影响主机系统的长期安全稳定运行。本文设计的脱硫控制系统有完善的热工模拟量控制,并且各项功能在DCS系统中统一实现。 首先简要介绍了石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫技术及其控制系统的现状、发展趋势、主要工艺设备、工艺流程及原理。接着对脱硫控制系统的控制方案进行了详细设计和研究,主要包括自动调节系统设计、联锁保护条件设计等。最后,对脱硫重要仪表进行了选型和设计。 本文对烟气脱硫工程的自动化控制给出完整、详细的分析和方案。通过国产的HOLLiAS-MACS系统以达到烟气脱硫项目的自动化控制。 关键词:石灰石-石膏;湿法脱硫;控制系统;和利时 ABSTRACT FGD is a mature technology and the most widely used desulphurization process. This desulphurization process with gas-liquid reaction has the high speed, high desulfurization efficiency and the better comprehensive economic performance. It is widely used in the domestic power plant desulfurization process. The design of control system is a more important segment in the flue gas desulfurization system. Whether the control system design is reasonable or not, it influences the desulfurization system and the host of the safe and stable peration of the system for a long time. In the design process, we consider the control mode, so as to realize the control of the selection of the system. First of all, present situation, Development trend, the main process equipment, Process and principle were introduced briefly. Then, control scheme of desulfurization control system were designed and researched, mainly including Automatic control system design and Interlock protection design and so on . Finally, desulfurization of important instrument were selected and designed. This paper gives a full analysis and program control, detailed on the automation of flue gas desulfurization project. Through the HOLLiAS-MACS system to achieve the project control automation of domestic flue gas desulfurization . Key words: Limestone-gypsum; FGD; Control system; HOLLiAS 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 选题背景及意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 1.2.1 烟气脱硫技术研究动态 2 1.2.2 脱硫控制系统研究动态 3 1.3 本文的主要研究工作 4 第2章 火电厂脱硫系统的工艺原理 5 2.1 烟气脱硫工艺的简介 5 2.1.1 海水脱硫 5 2.1.2喷雾干燥烟气脱硫 6 2.1.3氨水洗涤法脱硫工艺 6 2.1.4石灰石-石膏湿法脱硫 6 2.2石灰石-石膏湿法脱


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