修订版PEP五年级下册Unit4 When is Easter.doc

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修订版PEP五年级下册Unit4 When is Easter.doc

修订版PEP五年级下册Unit4 When is Easter? B.Let’s try Let’s talk Learning?aims(学习目标)? 能用理解Let?s?talk?的大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。? 2.能在语境中运用When?is?your?birthday?-----It?s?on?April?4th.?? 3.理解书上重点句子,如:?What?will?you?do?for?your?mum????I?ll?cook?noodles?for?her.?? Important?difficult?points(重难点)? 1.句型:When?is?your?birthday.?的掌握及回答。 能够在语境中理解本课的语用功能,能够运用核心句型完成角色扮演活动。 Teaching aids:(教具) 课件、卡片 Teaching method:(教法) 任务型教学法 Teaching procedures: Step 1. Warm up 1.Sing a song: Song of the months. 【设计意图】通过欢唱歌曲热身,既巩固了知识,又活跃了课堂气氛。 T:We have 12 months in a year, and how many seasons are there in a year? Ss: Four. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. T:There are three months in spring: Jan. , Feb. and Mar. . (Use the same way to show the months in summer, autumn and winter.) T:So we have four groups here:spring group, summer group, autumn group,and winter group. Let’s have a PK, come on! 【设计意图】用季节和其所在的月份给学生分组,可谓是一举两得,既突出了重点内容,也将评价贯穿于课堂教学始终,激发了学生学习的热情。 Step2.Lead-in Brainstorm T:I say one, you say first.I say two, you say second.Clear? (随机说出几组数字) 【设计意图】头脑风暴很快激发了学生的兴趣,吸引了学生的注意力,序数词的复习也为后面日期的正确表达打下了基础。 课件出示9月10日,让学生用英语读出日期。并呈现如下句型: It’s Teachers’ Day. It’s on Sept. 10th. It’s in spring. T:I like Teachers’ Day very much, because it’s my festival,do you like it? What will you do for your teachers? S1:I will... S2: I will... 出示母亲节图片,用同样的方法引导学生说出日期,并能集体询问What will you do for your mother?同时给出语言支架,让学生能根据提示说出母亲节的相关信息,达到灵活运用语言的目的。 【设计意图】What will you do for...?是本节课的重点也是难点,通过师生之间的对话很自然引出该句型。孩子们通过回答能在教师节和母亲节为老师和妈妈做的事情来反复操练该句型,将情感教育无形的渗透于教学之中。 Step2.Presentation T:What’s the date? (课件出示7月25日) Ss: Jul.25th . T: I like this day very much,because it’s my birthday. My birthday is on Jul. 25th. When is your birthday?(课件出示该句型,并板书。) S1:My birthday is on… T:Can you ask? S1:When is your birthday? S2: My birthday is on…When is your birthday? …(引导学生使用该句型进行问答,学生开火车练习,一问一答。) 【设计意图】在整体感知日期表达方式的基础上,通过让学生读出



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