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皖 西 学 院 本科毕业论文(设计) 论 文 题 目 青龙小学教学楼 投标文件 姓名(学号) 院 别 建工学院 专 业 土木工程 导 师 姓 名 二 〇 一三 年 五 月 摘??要 Abstract With Chinas booming construction industry, construction market has shown unprecedented prosperity, at the same time the tendering and bidding system in project construction field to promote the universal like making scientific and normative proposal was quite important, especially for the contractor, tender making quality direct relation enterprise whether win the bid, the realization of sustainable development of big things, in order to better explore new construction technology and management methods, and strive to get the project contract, the specially formulated project tender. The preparation of bids is through summing up experience and excellent construction management plan of the project construction requires the use of special environment, construction, engineering contract management, project cost management, construction project budget and other relevant theoretical knowledge and methods of analysis, mainly around the construction and design requirements, including the site environment and specific asked for a detailed construction plan, construction scheme and construction plan, construction schedule, safety control technical measures and the measures for safe and civilized construction and other related content. The preparation of the bidding documents according to the country and Province, the relevant laws and regulations and the relevant rules file, including human, material, machinery and determine. The tender full embodiment and elaborated our enterprises bidding for the project are determined and the advantages and puts forward the concrete implementation plan. Key words:Bill of quantity ;Bidding ;Bidding price ;the?actual?construction 目 录 (一)投标函………………………………………………………………1 1、法定代表人身份证明书…………………………………


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