剑桥小学英语Join In 3.doc

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剑桥小学英语Join In 3.doc

剑桥小学英语Join In 3 Unit 3 Dreams Part 8教学设计 【教学目标】 一 知识与能力目标: 1学生能够运用所学的短语描述自己一天的生活情况。 2培养学生的观察能力和口头表达能力。 二 过程与方法目标: 1 通过PPT复习时间和动词短语。 2 通过多种方式的操练,让学生学会用英语描述自己一天的生活情况。 三 情感、态度、价值观目标: 1通过学习让学生知道合理安排自己的日常生活,养成良好的生活习惯。 2通过比赛,培养学生的竞争意识。 【教学准备】 PPT课件、一个时钟模型 【教学过程与设计意图】 StepⅠWarm-up 1 Greetings. 2 Review the time. PPT出示不同时间的时钟图片,问学生What’s the time? 学生通过观察用句型It’s …o’clock. / It’s half past ….进行回答。 (设计意图:简单的问候,能快速地拉近师生之间的距离。复习时间整点和半点的英语表达法,可以为新授知识的教学创设条件。) StepⅡ Presentation 1、学习两种时间表达方式。 (1)a quarter past…几点一刻 T: Look at this clock. Fifteen minutes is a quarter. So how to say this time? S: A quarter past two. (2)from…to… 从几点到几点 T: Everyweek, from Monday to Friday, we have classes at school. In the morning, we have four classes from eight to twelve. And in the afternoon, we have three classes from two to five. Can you say this time? 学生看幻灯片,读出各种时间,为后面说句子打下基础。 2、学习句型I…at…. (1)PPT出示生活图片,复习动词短语。 T: Everyday, we get up in the morning. After breakfast, we go to school. At school, we have classes, eat lunch, and have sports. After school, we go home, do homework, eat dinner and go to bed. This is our daily life. Today we are going to talk about “daily life”.板书课题,教师带读。 T:First, let’s revise the phrases. Do actions with me, OK? (2)学生看图说句子。 T:Good job. I usually get up at seven o抍lock. What time do you get up? S: I get up at? T: After breakfast, we should go to school. What time do you go to school?e S: I go to school at ? T: At school, we have Chinese class, English class, math class , music class, art class and so on. How many classes do you have in the morning?, S: We have four classes in the morning. T: And then, we have lunch at school. What time do you have lunch? S: I have lunch at ?s T:Do you have sports in the afternoon? S: Yes. T:What time do you have sports? S: I have sports at …. T: What time do you go home? S: I go home at …. T: What time do you do homework? S: I do homework from …to ….


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