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·隧道 / 地下工程 ·
北 京 地 铁 区 间 隧 道 浅 埋 暗 挖 法 穿 越
河 流 桥 桩 综 合 施 工 技 术
(中铁二十局集团有限公司 西安 7 100 16)
摘 要 北京地铁十号线 10标段区间隧道采用浅埋暗挖法穿越西坝河桥桩 ,施工风险高、难度大 。在介绍了该区
间隧道的工程特点和工程地质条件后 ,较为详细地分析了区段的施工方案及其特点、旋喷咬合桩 、深层搅拌桩 、台
阶法施工等关键施工技术 ,可为类似城市地下工程的施工提供参考 。
关键词 区间隧道 加固处理 台阶法 监控量测 浅埋暗挖法
中图分类号 U455. 4 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1009 - 4539 (2007) 05 - 0033 - 03
Syn thetica l C on struction Techn iques for Cro ssin g the R iver an d P iles
by Sha llow Tunn ellin g M ethod in Be ij ing M etro
X ion g X in g g u o
( Ch ina R ailway 20th Bu reau Group Co. , L td. , X i ’an 7 100 16 , Ch ina)
A b stract The section tunnels in Lot 10 of B eij ing M etro L ine No. 10 is con structed by Shallow TunnellingM ethod to un
dercro ss the X ibahe R iver and the p lie s in it. The con struction of th is section tunnels is of h igh risk s due to its difficu ltie s
re su lting from the comp licated and comp rehen sive geological condition s (m ain ly for the saturated sand strata above, in and
bellow the tunnel elevation s) and the much clo se distances between the tunnel and the p ile s. Th is p ap er m akes a brief in
troduction about the p roject p rofile and geological condition s, then give s a detailed analysis on the characteristic s of the
M ethod Statem ent, Con struction of J etting and M ixing P iles, Stage Tunneling M ethod etc. , wh ich m ay be u sefu l for the
sim ilar underground work s.