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10049665/ 2003/ 11( 02)0 12706 Jour nal of Engi neeri ng Geol ogy 工程地质学报
许 崧 阎长虹 孙亚哲
( 2 10093)
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: { X828} , T U47 : A
XU Song YAN Changhong SUN Yazh
( The Dep ar tment of Ear th Science of N anj ing Univ ersity 210093)
Abstract In r c nt y ars, w ith incr asing urban population, th conditions of communications and accommo
dations b com mor and mor crow d d. In som m dium- siz d or hug citi s in our country, th numb r of
und rground ngin ring proj cts, such as communication tunn ls, subw ays and und rground mark ts incr as s
y ar aft r y ar. B caus of th p culariti s of urban ngin ring circumstanc and th charact rs of und rground
ngin ring proj cts, a s ri s of nvironm ntal g ot chnical probl ms, such as instability of foundation pit,
ground subsid nc , karst collaps , instability of cav and w at r irruption b com mor conspicuous and fr qu nt.
T h y s riously aff ct not only th construction of und rground ngin ring proj cts and saf ty of buildings
around, but also caus hug conomic loss to th w hol country. Th probl ms hav attract att ntion of xp rts
in th g ot chnical ar a and b com th k y study subj ct in th ar a. In combination w ith th practical con
structions in Nanjing , th authors discuss th charact rs and m chanism of nvironm ntal g ot chnical probl ms
of urban und rground ngin ring . At th sam tim , som sugg stions and m thods for solving th nvironm n
tal g ot chnical probl ms ar giv n in th pap r.
Key words Und rground ngin ring proj ct, Ground subsid nc , Foundation Pit, Land Collaps , Wat r Ir
:2002- 11- 28; : 2003- 02- 18.
: ( 1979- ) . , , . Em ail: simonxusong@ sina. com
128 Jour nal of E ngineer ing Geology 工程地质学报 2003 11( 2)