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22 6 Vol. 22 No. 6 2009 12 World Forestry Research Dec1 2009 * 钟莉华 (, 341000) : 首先探析了保护区与周边社区的相互作用及其组成的特殊复合生态社会 济系统其次, 阐述了现行 保护政策下, 保护区周边社区的传统及现实权益未被考虑, 社区与保护区被人为割裂, 保护政策与地方发展政 策不一致, 导致保护区与社区之间冲突不断, 使得保护目标难以达成最后, 提出保护区管理者应关注社区合 理权益的实现, 吸引社区群众参与自然保护工作, 同时寻求地方发展政策与保护政策的融合, 以促使保护区得 到更好的建设和发展 : 自然保护区, 生态社会 济系统, 社区政策, 发展模式 : S 59. 9, X 36 : A : 1001- 4241( 2009) 06- 006 - 04 Analysis onDevelopm entModes and Policies forCommunitiesNearbyNature Reserves in China byEcological and Socioeconomic System Theory Zhong L ihua ( Jiangxi Environm ental Engineering Vocational College, Ganzhou 341000, Jiangx ,i China) Abstract: In th ispaper, analysis on mutual relationsh ip bewt een nature reserves and nearby communities w as carried out, wh ich compose a special composite ecologica,l socioeconom ic system. And then the paper argued that the trad itional and practical rights and benefits are not involved into the development of nature reserves and the formu lation of conservation policy. The policy is also not in accordancew ith local development policy. Therefore, conflicts betw een the reserves and the communities exist all the tmi e, w hich hinders from getting achievement of the reserves. F inally, the paper brings forw ard policy suggestions as follow ing to better the construction and development of the reserves. ey words: nature reserve, the ecological and socioeconomic system, community policy, development mode 200 , , [ 1] [ 5- ] 2 531, 16. 03%



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