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10 11 V o.l 10, N o. 11
2005 11 Journa l o f Im age and G raphics N ov. , 2005
朱文佳 戚飞虎
( , 200030)
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D av id C ristinace T mi Cootes
, ,
: TP391. 41 : A : 1006-896 1( 2005) 11- 14 54-04
Fast Face Detection and F acial F eatu res Localization
ZHU W en-jia, Q I F ei-hu
(D ep t. of Comp u ter S cien ce and Eng ineer ing, J ia oTong Un ivers ity, Shanghai 200030 )
A b strac t F ace detection and fac ia l features loca liza tion a re mi portant p arts o f face ana lysis techniqu es. It. s task is to
search facial features in an mi age. A lthough hum an can f inish thisw ork w ithout any effo rt, it. s still a very diff icult w o rk fo r
computer. In the p ast years, th is techn iqu e h as deve lop ed vastly and has been su ccessfully app lied in the f ields o f face rec-
ognition, pose recogn ition, expression recogn ition and face cartoon, etc. In th is p ap er, w e u se a m ulti-stage fac ia l features
detection a lgo rithm proposed by Dav id C ristinacce and T mi Coote to mi plem ent a rea l-tmi e facia l fea tures loca lization sys-
tem. M eanw hile, w e a lso mi prove the o rig in facia l fea tures loca liza tion a lgor ithm to run m u ch faster w ith on ly a little loss in
K eyw ords face detec tion, fac ial fea ture loca liza tion
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