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提升机监控系统的设计 摘要 矿井提升机是重要的矿山设备之一,它肩负着井上,井下联系的重要任务在整个矿井中占有非常重要的地位。由此可见,解决提升机行程、速度监视问题,是防止提升机严重事故的关键。但目前,国内矿山大多采用机械式装置监测提升机的提升速度和行程,但此类设备精度不高,可靠性差,维护量大,这些都与煤矿的安全形势和采矿业的发展不相适应。因此,研制高精度的矿井提升机监控系统是迫在眉睫的课题。 本文从煤矿工业现场的实际情况出发,通过对矿井提升系统和矿井提升机监控系统功能的综合分析,提出了完整的设计方案。在硬件与软件的设计上均采用了模块化结构,在硬件设计上系统采用了微控制器80C51作为主处理器,由信号输入与处理模块、CPU处理模块、按键显示模块、串行通讯模块和电源模块构成;软件采用单片机汇编语言编制,由主程序和若干个子程序构成。设计中充分考虑到监控系统恶劣的使用环境,使整机性能稳定。系统对各个传感器产生的脉冲信号进行采样,由主处理器进行计算、判断,结果送入显示。当提升过程中出现超速等故障时,实现安全制动。 本文设计的矿井提升机监控系统能基本满足矿山生产的需要,达到了预想的效果,今后的任务是要在此基础上对系统进行完善。 关键词:提升机 状态监控 速度保护 DESING OF MONITORING SYSTEM OF MINE HOIST Abstract Based on the coal industry situation, passing the comprehensive analysis to the function of the mine hoist monitoring system. It shows that route and speed monitoring is the key to preventing serious accidents. At present, however, most of the domestic moist use mechanical device to show the container position and velocity, but the accuracy of such equipment is not high, accidents because of the bad reliability occurred from time to time, all of these does not fit the development and safety requirement of the mining industry. Therefore, the development of precise mine hoist monitoring system is an urgent issue. The mine hoist is one of the important mining equipments, it take the responsibility to contact the ground and the bottom of the mine. The mine hoist system has complex structure、large inertial mass、high speed, and the work condition usually converts alternately, so it is hard to control it. The mine hoist have some protection measure, so as to promotes the reliability of the machine, people have made many improvements in machine, electronics, maintenance, management, etc. But the bad environment condition including dust, water and whereabouts weights hit result in the damage of various machine spare parts and the electricity component, and the mistakes of the operation and research limitation of travel monitoring system, make the existing protection can’t meet expectation, that is w


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