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学士学位毕业论文(设计) 基于AT89S51单片机的温度采集及控制系统设计 学生姓名:李玄彤 指导教师:赵肖宇 所在学院:信息技术学院 专 业:通信工程 中国·大庆 2011 年 6月 摘要 温度是一种最基本的环境参数,在工农业生产及日常生活中对温度的测量及控制具有重要意义。以往,在实际的温度控制系统中,多采用热敏电阻器或热电偶测量温度。这种温度采集电路有时需要冷端补偿电路,这样就增加了电路的复杂性,而且该种电路易受干扰,使采集到的数据准确性不高。随着微电子技术、单片机技术、传感器技术的不断发展,为温度控制系统测控功能的完善、测控精度的提高和抗干扰能力的增强等提供了条件。本文设计了一种基于AT89S52 单片机与DS18B20 的温度控制系统。该设计通过AT89S52 单片机驱动数字温度传感器DS18B20,进行温度数据采集、读取、处理,并通过数码管显示出来。同时,也可通过RS-232 串行口与PC 机连接,将数据传送至PC 机系统,从而方便温度数据传输和统计工作。该系统还可扩展成为多点温度采集系统、温度远程监控系统等。AT89S52 数字温度传感器 液晶屏 ABSTRACT Temperature is a basic environmental parameters, in the industrial and agricultural production and daily life of the temperature measurement and control is of great significance. In the past, the actual temperature control system, multi-use thermistor or thermocouple temperature measurement. The temperature measurement circuit is sometimes cold junction compensation circuit, which increases the complexity of the circuit, and the kind of circuit is susceptible to interference, so the accuracy of the collected data is not high. As the microelectronics, microcontroller technology, sensor technology continues to develop, for the temperature control system control functions perfect, improve control precision and performance, the enhancement provided the conditions. This paper presents a AT89S52 Microcontroller based temperature control system with the DS18B20. The design is driven by digital temperature sensor microcontroller AT89S52 DS18B20, for temperature data collection, reading, processing, and through the digital display. Also available through RS-232 serial port and the PC is connected, the data sent to the PC computer system, so as to facilitate data transfer and temperature statistics. The system can also be expanded into a multi-point temperature acquisition system, temperature remote monitoring systems. Keywords: AT89S52 Digital Temperature Sensor LCD screen 目录 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 前言 IV 1绪论 - 2 - 1.1 课题背景 - 2 - 1.2 课题的目的和意义 - 2


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