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医用呼号仪控制 摘要 本系统主要利用了AT89S51单片机以及74HC164芯片的串口显示来实现病房呼叫的,主要包括显示模块,键盘模块,声音模块,单片机系统,接口模块等几部分,本文介绍的病房呼叫系统具体是说,医院的病房里每个床位边都装有一个呼叫按钮,当病人需要帮助时,按下呼叫按钮,护士办公室里呼叫显示板上相应房间号的指示灯亮,然后报警,报警时间为10S(可以变化),值班护士一看就知道哪个房间的病人需要帮助或需要进行抢救。当同时有两个或多个以上的病人呼叫时,彼此互不干扰。 系统的不足之处首先是没能实现循环显示,循环显示就是只有一个数码管显示,通过各个病床位的优先级的设置,最先显示的是优先级高的病人的床位号码;其次就是系统用到的器件的个数比较多,比如说数码管以及蜂鸣器,指示灯都是四个,都比较繁琐;再次就是没有实现病人与护士之间的对话功能,如果能够实现这个功能那么将为病人提供更好的服务。 关键词 Abstract This system mainly use the 74HC164 AT89S51 and to realize the serial display chip, mainly including the call of the ward display module, keyboard module, sound module, SCM system, interface module, etc, this paper introduces a few parts of the concrete is calling system ward, said the hospital beds are equipped with a side each call button, when patients need help, press the call button, the nurses office on the call display board room number of corresponding indicator, and alarm, alarm time for 10S (change), the clerk looks to know which room patients who need help, or need to rescue. When two or more than one patient calls, not interfere with each other. System deficiency is cant achieve cyclic display, digital display is only a circular tube display by the position of the bed, the first priority is the priority of the number of beds, patients, Second is the number of devices used system is more, for example, light buzzer and digital tube is more complicated; four, Again, there is the dialogue between nurse and patients, if can realize the function that will provide the patients with function better service. Key words: AT89C51, 74HC164, Buzzer. 目 录 1系统概述 1 1.1 系统功能 1 1.2系统构成图 1 1.3 系统方案设计 1 2 主要元器件介绍 3 2.1 单片机介绍 3 2.1.1 AT89S51单片机介绍 3 2.1.2 51单片机与74HC164静态显示接口 7 2.2 pt2262/pt2272无线/发送接受模块 8 2.2.1 pt2262/pt2272解码芯片 8 2.2.2 基于PT2262的无线编码模块 9 2.2.3 基于PT2272的无线解码模块 10 2.3数码管介绍 11 2.3.1数码管分类 11 2.3.2数码管驱动方式 11 2.3.3数码管参数 12 2.3.4数码管恒流驱动 12 3 硬件电路设计 13 3.1系统电路设计 13 3.2单片机外围电路设计 14 3.3 LED显示电路设计 15 3.4 单片机与无线接收模块连接 16 3.5 无线发送模块 16 3.6 无线接收模块 17 3.7 发声电路设计 18 3.8 提示灯电


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