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湖 北 民 族 学 院 毕业论文(设计) 区域医疗信息化共享平台的设计与初步实现 学生姓名:罗启义 学 号:030740127 系 别:信息工程学院计算机系 专 业:计算机科学与技术 指导教师:李劲老师 评阅教师: 论文答辩日期 答辩委员会主席 摘 要 为了解决“看病贵、看病难”问题,医疗卫生服务被前所未有地重视。当前,医疗服务的问题是优质资源过度集中在大医院,而基层卫生机构资源极度匾乏,如何充分利用有限的医疗资源成为当前急需解决的问题。本文针对厦门市范围内的区域性协同医疗信息平台,即“厦门市市民健康信息系统”的建设进行研究。 美国、英国等发达国家近几年己经对“区域性协同医疗信息平台”的建设展开研究,并取得了一定的成果。但由于医疗体制的不同,国外的经验并不能照搬到国内应用。因此“区域性协同医疗信息平台”的研究对我们来说是全新的课题。本文旨在探讨适合于我国医疗体制的一定区域范围内的协同医疗信息平台的建设。 本文首先对项目的可行性进行分析,从项目市场前景、政策扶持方面、项目成功的有利因素等方面进行分析。其次对项目的需求进行阐述,分析医疗机构、社区服务机构、妇幼保健等的业务和功能需求。然后探讨项目的总体设计架构,项目的设计原则、业务功能、业务模块、网络拓扑等,并研究系统需解决的关键技术。接着对系统中的关键技术终端数据采集系统进行详细的论述。 关健词:区域医疗,市民健康信息系统,数据采集 Abstract Due to the difficulty and high cost of getting medical treatment, the medical and health service has attracted such an unprecedented attention. The current problem of the medical service is that the main hospitals hold too many premium resources, but at the mean time the primary health agencies are excessively lack of resources. How to make use of limited medical resources well has been one urgent question. Theresearches on Regional collaborative medical information system has been developedthese years in our country. Regional collaborative medical information system has been deployed and got some achievement in developed country such as America and England. Because of different medical system, these overseas experiences cant be used in our country. So the Regional collaborative medical information system is a new subject for us. This thesis discuss on how to build the Regional collaborative medical information system which adapt to our medical system. Firstly the feasibility of this project has been analyzed by the factor of project marketing foreground and policy. Then the requirement of medical organization, regional services organization, health care of womenchildren was introduced. The design of this project was described, included design principle, technology of this business function, business



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