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摘要 随着现代科学技术和现代工业生产的发展,对电子测量和仪器技术的要求越来越高,测试内容和测试对象日趋复杂,测试工作量与日俱增,对测试速度和测试精度的要求不断提高,这使得传统的人工测试己经不适应甚至不满足实际测试的需求。作为仪器技术和计算机技术完美结合的虚拟仪器技术为测试工程师带来了绝好的解决方案。利用虚拟仪器技术,工程师只需将需要测量的信号通过I/O接口设备采集后送入计算机,再利用虚拟仪器开发工具和计算机强大的数据分析、处理和保存功能以及显示器的显示能力,就能很容易地设计出一个满足专门测试需求的虚拟仪器系统。 本文所采用的虚拟仪器技术是以透明的方式把计算机的资源和仪器硬件的测控能力结合起来,其产生是计算机辅助测试技术发展的必然趋势,近年来国内外对虚拟仪器的研究开发以及虚拟仪器在各行各业的广泛应用表明了虚拟仪器的广阔前景。 本文利用LabVIEW的强大功能制作虚拟示波仪,与传统的示波器相比较它不但能实现一般模拟或数字示波器的全部功能,而且能充分利用现有的计算机资源对采集到的信号进行时域、频域分析和处理等在普通示波器上很难实现的特殊功能。对于虚拟示波器的理论研究与样机的开发,可以在很大程度上弥补传统示波器的不足。 本文所选用的软件LabVIEW是美国国家仪器公司创新软件产品,也是目前应用最广泛、发展最快、功能最强的图形化虚拟仪器开发软件。它具有开发周期短、运行速度快、可重用性好、使用方便灵活等优点。因此利用LabVIEW对虚拟仪器进行设计是一种最理想的方法。 关键字:虚拟仪器;示波器;LabVIEW;数据采集;动态链接库。 Abstract With the development of modern science and technology and development of modern industrial production, higher requests are put forward to electrical testing and instrumental technology. The testing task and object becomes more and more complicated, and with the increasing testing quantity and the requests for higher testing speed and accuracy, the traditional testing style operated by human is no longer right for modern testing tasks. The virtual instrument technology as a perfect combination of the instrumental technology and computer technology makes a wonderful scheme for testing engineers. With the virtual instrument technology, Engineers only have to send the signals to be tested into computers via I/O interface devices, and then with special VI developing tools and the abilities of data analyzing, data processing and data storing of computers, they can easily design a VI system which meets special testing requests. This paper puts emphases on a VI system designed for automotive ignition coil testing. Virtual Instruments technology combines the resource of computer with the ability of testing and controlling of Instrument hardware in a transparent way. The development of the Computer Aided Test technology gives the emerging of the VI an inevitability, on the other hand, the research and d


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