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The Research on J2EE Technology based on Struts and Hibernate Framework
专 业: 计算机科学与技术
With the rapid development of the internet, developing Web application has already become the focal point of designing computer software gradually. In the development of Web application with J2EE Technology standard, however, there are many problems like confusion in architecture, poor in expansibility and hard to divide the work in the Web application which merely uses JSP. Both Struts framework and Hibernate framework contribute to building a Web information system, but both of them have their respective benefits and drawbacks. Integrating the two frameworks not only avoid their disadvantages while retain their advantages, but also make them more powerful. This paper begins with analyses on the architecture and principle of Struts framework and Hibernate framework respectively. Then the mechanism and the way to integrate the two frameworks are discussed based on their advantages and disadvantages. Finally an implementation of Tenement Message Customization Issue System (TMCIS) based on Struts framework and Hibernate framework is brought forth to expatiate an efficient way to develop the information systems with these two frameworks.
Struts framework, Hibernate framework, Integration, Tenement Message Customization Issue System (TMCIS)
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
第2章 Struts框架的原理 2
2.1 Struts框架的体系结构 2
2.2 Struts框架的基本组件 3
2.3 Struts框架的工作流程 4
2.4 Struts框架的开发过程 5
第3章 ORM模式与Hibernate 7
3.1 ORM模式 7
3.2 Hibernate介绍 7
3.3 Hibernate的架构 8
3.4 Hibernate主要的
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