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毕业设计 题 目 设计与实现 学 院 专 业 班 级 学 生 学 号 指导教师 二〇XX 年月日 摘 要 在高校信息化进程中,内容管理系统扮演者非常重要的角色,各种教学资源(课件、视频、文档、图像等)的存储、各个门户网站、各个教学辅助系统,归根结底都是内容管理系统。传统的内容管理系统都是单独设计分散部署的,这样会造成大量的资源浪费,本课题利用面向服务架构设计实现一个内容资源统一存放,WEB前端分布式部署的内容管理系统,提高存储的效率,降低系统的耦合度,提高系统的灵活性。Java EE技术及相关知识,包括JSP、EJB、Servlet、JDBC、XML、JNDI等技术,以及Struts框架、Spring框架、Hibernate和Web Service技术对内容管理系统进行详细的需求分析和设计学习面向服务的架构,实现分布式内容管理系统的架构设计内容管理系统主要功能的实现,包括权限管理、内容资源的显示、内容资源的添加修改删除等。SSH框架;ExtJs框架;CXF框架 ABSTRACT In the progress of informationization in University, the content management system play an important role. The storage of all teaching resources(Courseware, Videos, Files, and so on )contents resources、all portals、all assistant system of teaching, all the above fall into content management system in the final analysis. Traditional content management systems are designed solely and deployed dispersedly, which lead to tremendous wasting of resources. This project use SOA to implement a content management system which store contents resources uniformly and deploy Front-ends of WEB distributedly . Then, the system will improve the efficiency of storage and reduce the degree of coupling,what’s more , it will improve the flexibility of the system. With the expanding of the project, I study Java EE technology and some knowledge about it,including JSP, EJB, Servlet, JDBC, XML, JNDI , Struts frame, Spring frame, Hibernate frame and Web Service technology; Do requirement analysis and system design in details, and do UML modeling about the content management system; Study SOA architecture, and then realize the design of distributive system; Realize main functions of the system, including authority management, the display, add, delete, modify of contents resources. Through studying and designing the project, I consolidate the knowledge that I ever studied, such as SSH frame, and at the same time, I learned a lot of new kno


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