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料位控制系统 摘 要 煤炭是国民经济良好运行的基础能源,是关系国计民生的特殊战略能源物资。煤炭的数量、质量与安全直接关系到国民经济发展和社会稳定的大局。煤炭问题始终是党中央、国务院密切关注的重点问题。因此,做好煤炭生产、储备工作,为促进经济稳定发展创造良好的基础,具有重大的意义。 去年南方的自然灾害,南方电力的瘫痪,煤炭资源的紧缺更加给国家的煤炭储备提出更高的要求。 目前,我国煤炭储藏多是人力来完成。浪费人力、物力。随着我国新的劳动法实施,物价上涨,劳动力价格也在逐渐攀升,造成公司在煤仓储备方面浪费大量的经济成本,影响公司的经济效益。由因为煤炭是固态粉粒状物体,重度污染物,在入仓的过程中由于飞溅许多的固态小颗粒,进入人体消化系统容易引起呼吸道感染。给一线工人留下难以治愈的职业病,为公司未来发展增加负担。对于规模较小的公司来说这种储藏方式严重影响公司的发展。 为了提高公司的效益,工人师傅的健康,减少储煤环节的经济成本。本此设计我采用了PLC智能控制原理、PID控制原理、传感器原理将整个系统简化。提高其科技含量,增加煤炭储藏的智能化,减少人力投入,避免不必要的浪费。也可以更好的提高公司的经济效益。 关键字:PLC智能控制原理 传感器原理 PID控制原理 Abstract The coal is the national economy good movement foundation energy, is relates the national economy and the peoples livelihood the special strategic energy commodity. Coal quantity, quality and safe direct relation national economy development and social stability general situation. The coal question is throughout the Central Party Committee, the State Council close attention key question. Therefore, completes the coal production, the reserve work, for the promotion economic stability development creation good foundation, has the significant significance. Last year the south natural disaster, the south electric powers paralysis, the coal resource scarce even more gave national the coal reserve to set a higher request. At present, our country coal preserves many are the manpower completes. Waste manpower, physical resource. Along with our country new labor law implementation, the price rise, the labor force price gradually is also climbing, causes the company to waste the massive economic costs in the coal bin reserve aspect, affects companys economic efficiency. By because the coal is the solid state powder granular object, the specific weight pollutant, in the process which is put in storage, because splashes many solid state finely ground particles, enters the human body digesting system easily to cause the respiratory infections. Leaves behind occupational disease which for a worker cures with difficulty, will develop in the


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