兼职导师申请表-Application Form for Part-time Instructor Tuto.doc

兼职导师申请表-Application Form for Part-time Instructor Tuto.doc

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兼职导师申请表-Application Form for Part-time Instructor Tuto.doc

Application Form for Part-time Instructor / Tutorship 兼 職 導 師 申 請 表 Notes 備註: The University will collect your personal data for recruitment purpose. Should your application be successful, your personal data will be used for the purposes of personnel and University administration. 你提供的資料將用於招聘事宜。若被取錄,你的個人資料將用於人事及大學管理等有關用途。 You should make sure that the data are complete and accurate, otherwise, the University may not be able to process your application. The University will keep your personal data confidential but may use it for recruitment of other posts. 你須確保提交的資料完整及正確。否則,本校將不能處理你的申請。本校會將你的資料嚴格必威体育官网网址,或作其他職位招聘用途。 You have the right to request access or correction of your personal data held by the University. Data access and correction requests should be made on the forms obtainable from the University Data Protection Officer by email (dpo@ouhk.edu.hk). The University may charge a reasonable fee to cover the administrative costs for the data access request. 你有權向本校提出查閱/更改個人資料的要求。如有需要,你可使用本校提供的正式表格向保障資料主任提出有關要求, 電郵地址 (dpo@ouhk.edu.hk)。本校有權就查詢資料的要求收取合理行政費用。 Post reference no. 職位編號 Source of vacancy information 從何得悉此職位空缺 Post applied for 應徵職位 School/Institute 學院 Personal Particulars 個人資料 If you are a current or former tutor of the University, please indicate your Tutor/Staff No. : 如你是現任或曾任本校導師,請註明導師/職員編號: Name in English (as shown on HKID/Passport) 英文姓名 (須與身份證/護照相同) Surname 姓氏 Given name 名字 Name in Chinese (as shown on HKID/Passport) 中文姓名 (須與身份證/護照相同) Hong Kong Identity Card (HKID) no. 香港身份證號碼 Passport no. (for applicant without HKID) 護照號碼 (只適用於未持有香港身份證的申請人填寫) Issuing authority 簽發機關 address 居住地址 Correspondence address 通訊地址 Contact telephone no. 聯絡電話 Email address 電郵地址 Course Preference (Please indicate, in order of priority, the course(s) which you would like to be considered for appointment) 科目選擇(請依照你選擇任教的科目的優先次序填寫) Co


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