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9 4 ( ) 2007 12 Journal of Agricultural Univer ity of Hebei( A griculture Fore try Education) 国际经济与贸易专业建设问题探讨¹ 张辰利, 卢 江 ( , 07 1001) : 国际经济与贸易专业是近年来各高校开设最多的专业之 一, 也是社会人才需求量 长最快的行业, 但近年 来出现了部分学校毕业生就业不理想, 而本地外经贸行业找不到合适毕业生的矛盾情况, 其主要原因是高校专业 设置偏离社会需求, 与实际需要脱节应该通过宏观上进行专业课程的合理设置, 微观上加强实践教学的调整, 使 人才培养与社会需求相一致, 以提高专业教学的社会效益 : 国际经济与贸易; 专业建设; 课程设置 : G 642 : A : 1008- 6927( 2007) 04- 0049- 04 Problems and solutions on the construction of the speciaty international trade and economics ZHANG Chen- li, LU Jiang ( School of T rade and Eco nomic , A griculture Univ er ity of Hebei, Baoding 07100 1, China) Abstract : International trade and economic i the mo t popular pecialty in recent year . The dem and for graduate of thi pecialty i g oing up quickly. But there i a paradox phenom enon. T hat ome graduate cannot find job on graduating ea on and at the ame time ome local foreign trade f irm find it difficult in finding competent graduate . The problem i on the ide of the colleg e w ho e pecialty con truction i incon i tent w ith ociety dem and and practical work. The college hould adju t the cour e and reinforce the practice teaching in accordance w ith the ociety demand to increa e the ocial benefit of education. Key words: international trade and econom ic ; pecialty con truction; cour e arrange , , , , , , , , , , , 一国际经济与贸易专业教学内容 , , , 内在关系剖析 , , , , ¹ : 2007- 10- 10 : 张辰利( 1971- ) , 男, 河北河间人, 硕士, 讲师, 研究方向为国际贸易理论与政策 50 ( )



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