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基于钻石理论的主导产业选择模型的研究 基于钻石理论的主导产业选择模型的研究 刘颖琦, 李学伟, 李雪梅 ( 北京交通大学 经济管理学院, 北京 100044) : 学术界和产业界关于主导产业选择的理论和 证研究层出不穷, 研究思路方法指标选择等主要沿袭 比较优势理论产业关联理论经济增长理论和筱原三代平准则的相关内容, 而上述研究方法的应用需要有大量 的产业发展数据为支撑, 因而在我国西部经济欠发达地区的应用上存在局限本文以比较优势和竞争优势理论 为基础, 建立主导产业选择模型, 提出了主导产业选择的评价指标体系及模型计算方法, 并进行了 证研究 : 钻石理论; 主导产业; 模型 : F207 : A : 1002- 9753( 2006) 01- 0145- 08 Research on the Core Industry SelectionM odelBased on the D iam ond Theory L IU Y ing- qi, LIXue- we,i LIXue- mei (School of Econom ics andM anagement, Beijing Jiaotong University, B eijing 100044, China) Abstract: he academ ic circle and industry circle have produced a lot of theoretic and emp irical ach ievem ents concern- ing core industry selection, inw hich them ajor research thoughts, m ethods, criteria are derived from com parative advan- tage theory, industry link theory, econom ic grow th theory et a.l he above- m entioned research m ethods need to be supported by a large amount of data concern ing the industry developm ent; therefore, they can hardly be applied in the underdeveloped regions ofW est Ch ina. On the basis of comparative advantage theory and com petitive advantage theory, this paper setsup the core industry selectionm odel, proposes evaluation criteria system andm odel calcu lation approach, and m akes an em pirical research. K ey words: d iam ond theory; core industry; m odel , (一)理论回顾 , # # , ) ) , , , , , 20, , / 0 , : 2005- 10- 16 : 2006- 01- 07 : ( 1971- ), , ,


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