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腦中風患者健康相關生活品質之初探 The first probe for stroke patient’s health-related quality of life 林莛濠1 Ting-Hao Lin 黃鈴雅2 Ling-Ya Huang 林口長庚紀念醫院 1 天主教聖保祿修女會醫院 2洪麗真3* Li-Chen Hung 范淑惠4 Su-Hui Fan 元培科技大學醫務管理系3 恩主公醫院?4 1 Department of Physical Therapy, Chung Gung Memorial Hospital 2 Insurance Reimbursement Office, Saint Pauls Hospital 3 Department of Healthcare Management, Yuanpei University of Science and Technology 4 Medical Affairs Office, En Chu Kong Hospital 摘要:根據行政院衛生署95年必威体育精装版統計料顯示,台灣地區民眾腦中風死亡率由94年的每十萬人口死亡數57.8人降低為95年的每十萬人口55.2人,就預防醫學而言,中風後倖存的個案,其後遺症會引起運動神經功能、認知及感覺障礙,導致日常生活型態之改變;若能善加利用健康照護資源,不僅有助於中風患者功能之恢復,更可減輕照顧者心理社會的負擔。本目的在探討採用腦中風衝擊量表3.0版來測量中風病患健康相關生活品質之現況。於年1月2日至年2月29日採立意取樣方式,針對腦中風住院患者124位為研究對象,樣本來自北部某醫學中心、區域敎學及地區醫院,計回收有效問卷124 份。研究結果顯示:1、人口變項之年齡、性別、教育程度、婚姻狀態,皆與健康相關生活品質顯著相關。2、不同病程(急性、亞急性)在活動力、社會參與度健康相關生活品質構面上呈顯著差異。3、不同疾病嚴重度(輕度、中度)於各項健康相關生活品質構面上(社會參與度除外)均呈顯著差異。4、不同中風類型於「情緒」健康相關生活品質構面呈顯著差異。5、不同肢體偏側於「溝通」健康相關生活品質構面呈顯著差異。本研究建議,中風初期即應將損傷程度、活動限制能力等表現納入治療評估計畫,進而讓病人獲得較佳的健康相關生活品質。 關鍵字:腦中風、腦中風衝擊量表、日常生活活動、健康相關生活品質 Abstracts : According to the latest statistic of done by Department of Health - Executive Yuan, the death rate of stroke for Taiwan people is reduced from 57.8 people per one hundred thousands people in 2005 to 55.2 people per one hundred thousands in 2006. In the view of advance medicine, the individual case for who survived by good luck after stroke has led to the sequela of exercise nerve function、recognition、sense obstacle and change ofcommon life style. If we can use the health care source properly, it can not help stroke patient’s function recover but also reduce the mental burden of whom looks after. This research purpose it to discuss the application of Storke Impact Scale version 3.0 in order to measure the current status of stroke patient’s health relative life quality. From Jan. 2nd, 2008 to Feb. 29, 2008, by determined sampling method, we take 124 stroke patients who are in hospitalization as research objects. The


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