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摘要 本设计为包头市环境保护局办公楼工程基坑围护、结构及基础工程设计,地点位于包头市昆区友谊大街南侧,为Ⅱ类场地,设计地震分组为第一组,设计基本加速度值为0.2g,抗震设防烈度为8度;建筑防火等级为二级;建筑耐火等级为二级,耐久年限二级;总建筑面积约10000平方米,层数为地上8层,地下2层,1层层高为4.5m,2~8层层高为3.3m,地下一层层高为4.8m。 全部设计包括基坑支护、结构、基础设计部分: 1.围护结构不是主体结构的一部分,基坑周围有管线、道路及树木需要加以保护,但不需严加保护,故基坑工程等级可定为二级由于基坑深m,基底位于水位以,需采取降水和护坡措施。; 土钉墙; 框架结构; 箱形基础 Abstract The design for the Baotou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Office Building Foundation Pit, structural and foundation engineering,. is located in Baotou City, Kun District, south of Friendship Avenue. The venue for the Class isⅡ,the design group for the first set of seismic design value of the basic acceleration is 0.2g, and the seismic intensity is 8 degrees. The design of fire protection rating is 2, the building fire rating is two, and the durable life is 2. The total construction area is about 10,000 square meters. There are 8 floors above the ground level, 2 layers underground. The first layer height is 4.5m, 2 ~ 8 layers is 3.3m, and the ground floor is 4.8m. All designs include excavation, construction, and foundation design . 1. Envelope is not a part of the maine structure. There are pipelines, a road and trees around the excavation needed to be protected, but without strict protection, so the excavation level could be set as two. As the pit depth is 8m, and the basement is located above the water level, rainfall and slope protection measures do not need to be taken. Excavation support uses soil nailing. 2.The building design is frame structure, and the surface structure is one type arrangement. The structural design includes: (1) Structural arrangement and structures of cells to determine (2) Gravity load calculation (3) Lateral seismic analysis (4) PKPM computing (5) Stair design 3. Foundation design: The foundation uses box foundation. Main components are reinforced concrete Keywords: Office Building; Pit Maintenance; Soil-nail Wall; FrameStructure; The box foundation 第1章 设计背景、资料和要求 1.1设计背景 本设计位于包头市青山区团结大街北侧,南临九星电子大楼,北接自来水公司,建筑物西侧为富强路,


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