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本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:腔内倍频非线性晶体热效应的研究 院 (系): 光电工程学院 专 业: 电子科学与技术 班 级: 080113 学 生: 学 号: 指导教师: 2012年 6月                                             腔内倍频非线性晶体热效应的研究 摘 要 随着应用领域的扩展,人们对于激光二极管泵浦的全固态激光器的要求也越来越高,不仅要求其要有较高的输出功率,而且要有较好的光束质量。然而伴随激光器输出功率的大幅提高,在激光系统中产生出了严重的热效应问题。 作为消除倍频晶体热效应的关键基础工作便是准确得出倍频晶体在激光动力学过程中产生的温度梯度分布状况。本文通过对于全固态激光器件工作特性的分析,建立了符合实际特点的热分析模型,利用热传导方程及其满足的边界条件,得到倍频晶体温度场解析的通解表达式。根据所得到的光强分布场和倍频晶体温度场解析的通解表达式以及matlab计算机绘图仿真软件,对激光在倍频晶体中的光强分布场三维图像及倍频晶体KTP、BBO的三维热分布图像进行了绘制,对各个因素的变化相对于倍频晶体温度分布场的影响做了对比分析,得到了各个因素变化所引起倍频晶体温度场变化的对比图,对研究倍频晶体热效应产生的热吸收相对于激光输出的影响和改善激光器性能具有重要的指导意义。 关键词:倍频晶体;热效应;热传导方程;温度分布;matlab计算机绘图仿真 The characteristics of intracavity frequency-double nonlinear crystal on thermal effect Abstract With the expansion of the application fields, the demand for DPSSL is increasingly high, not only for a higher output power but a better beam quality. However, with the output power of DPSSL increasing, serious thermal effects are induced. To diminish the influence of thermal effects in DPSSL and improve characteristic and performance of laser, one of the key works is to obtain accuracy temperature distribution of laser device under the working condition. In this dissertation, through characteristic analysis of laser device (laser crystal and nonlinear crystal) in DPSSL, thermal analysis models of laser devices by actual characteristic are introduced. According to the analysis of these thermal modes, the heat conductive equations and its boundary conditions are introduced. And the analytical solution or semi-analytical solution of temperature field distribution and thermal deformation field are obtained. Based on the light intensity distribution field we got 、 the general expressions of the frequency-double crystal temperature field analytical solution and the Matlab simulation software of computer graphics, we have drawed the laser frequency-double crystals in light intensity distribution field



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