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内容提要 在其他条件相同时,工资差别是对工人工资特性的补偿:从事艰苦,乏味工作的工人得到的工资高于从事轻松,有趣工作的工人 人力资本多的工人的生产率和工资都要高于人力资本少的工人 有大学学位的人可能得到更好的工作,这是因为学位对雇主发出了有更高能力的信号 * 内容提要 工资可能因为天生的能力,努力和机遇而不同 有时工资会高于均衡水平,这是因为最低工资,工会的市场势力和效率工资 收入中的一些差别是基于种族,性别或其他因素的歧视。但歧视的衡量是很困难的 * 内容提要 利润动机会限制雇主的歧视性工资的影响 顾客或政府的歧视会导致持久的工资差别 * Students find this chapter very interesting, and it is less difficult than average. You can probably cover it in a single class session. Due to the lower-than-average difficulty of reading the chapter, it is probably safe to shift some of the burden of learning this material to students; in this case, you would cover just the topics you find most important, and let students read about the others in the textbook. If you’re pressed for time, and looking for something to cut, here’s a suggestion (and it’s just my suggestion, not the official position of the author or publisher.) The two slides titled “Reasons for Above-Equilibrium Wages” can probably be safely omitted without any loss of continuity. They do not fit in this chapter quite as well as the other topics. * The last column, labeled “Gender gap,” is the percentage by which men’s earnings exceed women’s earnings. BLS did not provide earnings figures for categories with fewer than 50,000 persons, presumably due to nondisclosure issues. In such cases, “n.e.d.” appears in the chart. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, I got these figures from a table containing data on over 800 occupations. The table also showed the number of employees in each occupation (total and by gender). The table is available at , click on “wages by area and occupation” and then “national wage data for over 800 occupations.” * “Every customer in the market wants to enjoy the good supplied by the best producer.” Example: Seeing two movies that are half as entertaining is not a good substitute for seeing one movie that’s very entertaining. Having two CDs by artists that are half as good as U2 is not a good substitute for having one CD by U