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否定译法 部分否定 否定转移 双重否定 含蓄否定 正说反译 反说正译 否定译法---部分否定 Both of the books are not helpful. 这两本书并非都有用。 Neither of the books is helpful. 这两本书都没用。 表示部分否定的词(表示整体概念): all, both, every 表示完全否定的词: none, neither, no one, nothing 否定译法---否定转移 1. In gas the molecules cannot pass along their heat from one to another as easily as molecules of a liquid or a solid can. 气体中的分子不像液体或固体分子那样容易地把热能从一个分子传递给另一个分子。 2. The Nazis had not instantly withdrawn from Africa or Sicily merely because of threats to their rear. 纳粹并不只是因为后方受到威胁而立即从非洲和西西里撤军。 7. 否定译法---双重否定 1. Not a day passed without shootings and bombardments between these two countries in Europe. 在欧洲这两国之间没有一天不是相互进行枪击炮轰。 2. But Darwin could not be satisfied with a gentleman’s life any more than Babbage could find satisfaction in a financial career.(1984) 可达尔文并不满足于这样的一种绅士生活,就像Babbage对从事金融事业的生涯并不感到满足一样。 7. 否定译法---含蓄否定 1. Plants which refine crude ores are often located in countries other than those in which the crude ores are mined. 提炼矿石的工厂通常设在其他国家,而不是设在采矿石的国家。 2. To criticize such failure is roughly comparable to criticizing a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity. 批评智力测试不反映上述情况就像批评温度计不能测风速一样。 表示含蓄否定的词:beyond, miss, far from, free from, too…to, let alone, in vain 7. 正反译法---正说反译 1. Someone runs to avoid doing anything else, to dodge a decision about how to lead his life or a realization that his life is leading nowhere. 有些人跑步是为了避而不做别的事情,不对如何去生活作出什么决定,不去考虑自己生活的碌碌无为。 2. They were all intending to be surprise; but their astonishment was beyond their expectation. 他们都知道这件事会让人吃惊,但却没有料到会惊讶到这个地步。 1. Even so, I still insist that for the individual himself nothing is more important than this personal interior sense of right and wrong and his determination to follow that. 即便如此,我仍然认为,对个人而言,最重要的莫过于个人心灵深处的是非感,以及坚决按这种是非感行事的决心。 2. I believe then that I would die there, and I saw with a terrible clarity the things of the valley below. They were not less beautiful to me.


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