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BLAST—Basic Local Alignment Search Tool Efficient Database Searching Methods Goals: identify an unknown sequence find other members of multigene families find related proteins determine which regions are conserved between proteins or nucleic acids (i.e. most biologically significant) find overlapping regions when assembling sequencing reactions into a final sequence Similarity Homology 同源和相似是两个不同的概念。 相似性是指一种很直接的数量关 系,比如部分相同或相似的百分 比或其它一些合适的度量 (measurement),而同源性是指 从一些数据中推断出的两个基因 在进化上曾具有共同祖先的结 论,它是质的判断(judgment)。 Relationship Terms Identical (相同) When a corresponding character is shared between two species or populations, that character is said to be identical. Similar (相似) The degree to which two species or populations share identities. Analogous (类似) When characters are similar due to convergent evolution(趋同进化), they are analogous. Terms Homologous (同源) When characters are similar due to common ancestry, they are homologous. Orthologous (直系同源) When characters are homologous with conserverd function, they are orthologous. Paralogous (旁系同源) When characters are homologous with divergent function, they are paralogous. 常用算法 动态规划算法:(dynamic programming)计算 两个序列间的最大可能的相似性,可以处理 碱基替换和间隔(即gap,包括缺失和插入), 具有很高的敏感性,但是计算量非常大,对 于一对长度分别为m和n个元素的序列需要正 比于m x n次(O(mn)次) 比较,只有在超级计 算机或大型并行计算机上才能实现。 间接的启发式算法(indirect, heuristic):是基于 字串的方法,首先将序列分解成由连续字母 组成的短串,把查询序列中的所有字串编成 索引,并且在数据库扫描中查询这些索引, 一个能够揭示出正确的序列关系的比对至少 包含一个两个序列都拥有的字串,这种算法 在速度上大大提高了(FASTP, FASTA) 。 BLAST简介 BLAST是Basic Local Alignment Search Tool的缩写,它结合了上述两 种算法的优点,提高了有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站速度,同 时把数据库有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站建立在了严格的统计 学基础之上,是目前最常用的同源检 索工具,由Altschul SF et al (1990)提 出的算法。 参考文献: S. F. Altschul, W. Gish, W. Miller, E. W. Myers and D. J


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