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工程硕士专业学位论文(设计) 基于Java EE综合调查系统的设计与实现 软件工程 领域 研究生:李旭 指导老师:于中华 摘 要 问卷调查是一种常见的研究手段,当研究者要研究某个问题或者分析某种现象时,往往会通过问卷调查的形式收集数据,然后再整理分析从而得出结论。传统的问卷调查方式都是采用纸质问卷收集数据。近年来互联网基础平台的迅猛发展基于互联网的各种应用也日益受到人们的重视。 该系统是在Java EE平台上搭建的Web项目,采用了当前市面上流行的组合框架SSH(Struts+Spring+Hibernate)开发技术。在系统开发过程中,完成了问卷信息管理、问卷问题编辑、参与者账户导入、匹配问卷与参与者、问卷答案统计、参与问卷调查、查看答卷信息、系统登录和权限管理等功能模块的编码开发。该系统采用eclipse作为开发工具,选用MySQL为后台数据库, 综合问卷调查系统的部署和运行,能够有效地利用网络资源,通过网络答题的方式完成问卷调查,减少了人力物力的投入,解决了传统问卷调查的弊端。 关键词:问卷调查;B/S;Java;SSH;开源框架 Design and Application of Java EE Integrated Survey System The field of software engineering Graduate Student: lixu Adviser: Yu zhonghua Abstract Questionnaire is a common means of researching. When researchers want to study a problem or analyze some phenomenon, they often collect data by using questionnaire, then analyze the data to get a conclusion. The traditional means of questionnaire is paper-based to collect data. In recent years, the construction of internet-based platform is developing quickly, and people pay attention to applications based on internet increasingly. Using computer software technology to achieve information questionnaire, to replace traditional paper-based questionnaire, is a significant research direction of computer information technology. The research of questionnaire survey system based on Java EE is an attempt on the direction. Integrated Survey System is an information management platform in which a set of questionnaire design,user data leading-in, user participation, statistical survey results and other functions are integrated. The system is a Web project built on Java EE platform, employing the SSH, one of the most popular combination framework. During the developing process , the coding and developing of modules including questionnaire information management, questionnaire editing , accouts leading-in, matching questionnaire and participants, the statistics of answers, participating questionnaire survey, checking the answers , s



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