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国际植物新品种保护联盟茶树新品种测试指南的制陈 亮1,虞富莲1,姚明哲1,吕 波2,杨 坤2,堵苑苑2 (1中国农业科学院茶叶研究所,杭州310008;2农业部植物新品种测试中心,北京100026) Preparation of the UPOV Guidelines for the Conduct of Tests for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability——Tea Plant CHEN Liang1, YU Fu-lian1, YAO Ming-zhe1, Lü Bo2, YANG Kun2, DU Yuan-yuan2 (1National Center for Tea Improvement, Tea Research Institute Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310008; 2DUS Testing Center for PVP, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100026) Abstract: Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS for short) testing is the technical base of Plant Variety Protection (PVP) and the scientific basis for the approval of Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR). DUS Test Guidelines are not only the technical manuals for the DUS testing authorities to conduct the testing, but also the technical standards for the competent authorities to examine the DUS of new varieties of plants. Tea plant, which is originated from China, is a very important woody cash species in the world. UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants) DUS Test Guidelines for tea plant is the first DUS Test Guidelines prepared by China for the UPOV. In this paper, the subject, selection and adoption of characteristics, states of expression and selection of example varieties, assessment of DUS of the UPOV Test Guidelines for tea plant were elucidated in detail. Finally, proposals for PVP of tea plant in China was also proposed. The preparation of UPOV DUS Test Guidelines for tea plant will have important significance both for promoting the development of PVP and increasing the status of international PVP fields for China. Key words: International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV); Plant variety protection (PVP); Tea plant [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] 0 引言 茶树是原产中国云南的一种重要木本经济植物,在国有多年的栽培历史。茶叶是世界主要产茶国茶区农民的重要经济来源之一。在肯尼亚,茶叶每年贡献26%的出口换汇和4%的GDP[1];而在斯里兰卡,14%的外汇收入和2.3%的GDP来自茶叶[2]。2004年以来,中国再次成为世界第一产茶大国,其茶园面积和总产量均世界第一,出口量居世界第三[3]。据FAO


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