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摘 要 荷尔德林不仅是德国古典浪漫主义诗歌的先驱,而且是德国浪漫主义时期颇具影响 的翻译家。他一生翻译了大量的希腊、罗马等国的古典著作,如奥维德的《变形记》、 欧里庇得的《酒神女徒》、索福克勒斯的 《俄狄浦斯王》和《安提戈涅》以及品达的诗 歌。他特别针对自己所译的作品进行了一些评论。他在这些评论中,阐述了自己对翻译 问题的认识。他认为,翻译实质是找寻构成“纯语言”的核心成分;翻译过程是诗的灵 的演进过程;翻译方法是扩充本土文化,启蒙民众之手段。荷尔德林在翻译实践与翻译 理论方面的探索为后世西方翻译理论研究拓展了一片崭新的天地。 本文以荷尔德林翻译作品及翻译思想研究为题,通过史料分析,归纳-演绎等方法, 系统分析了荷尔德林的翻译作品及翻译思想,旨在对荷尔德林作为翻译家和翻译理论家 有一个更深入的了解。 本文第一章回顾了荷尔德林的生平及其在翻译方面的主要成就,探讨了其在翻译方 面所取得成就的理论及历史根源。第二章以荷尔德林翻译作品为例分析了荷尔德林翻译 作品的特征。第三章从翻译实质、翻译过程、翻译方法三个方面具体论述荷尔德林翻译 思想的主要内涵。第四章总结了荷尔德林对翻译实践和翻译理论所作的贡献,同时指出 其翻译思想的局限性。本文的结论是:1、荷尔德林在翻译实践中采用追溯词源的本义 和逐字对译的翻译方法使其翻译作品从形式到内容都获得了独特的风格和价值;2、荷 尔德林从哲学、诗学和神学的角度探讨翻译问题,不仅增强了其翻译思想的理论深度, 而且拓展了翻译研究的视野,在西方翻译史上留下了辉煌的一页。 关键词:荷尔德林;翻译作品;翻译实质;翻译过程;翻译方法 I Abstract Friedrich H?lderlin is not only a pioneer of German Classical Romantic poetry, but also an influential translator during the era of German Romanticism. He has translated plenty of Greek and Roman classical works, including Ovid?s Metamorphoses, Euripides? The Bacchae, Sophocles? Oedipus the King and Antigone, and Pindar?s poetry. In the preface to his translation works, he has made some comments on his translation, setting forth his own understanding about translation. According to him, the essence of translation is to find the core component constituting “pure language”; translation process is the evolution of poetic spirit; and translation method is a means of cultural expansion and national enlightenment. H?lderlin?s exploration in translation practice and translation theory has opened up a new horizon for Western translation studies of his later generation. This thesis entitled A Study of H?lderlin in Aspect of Translation, has made a systematic study of H?lderlin?s translation works and translation theory with the method of induction and deduction and by the analytical research on the historical documents concerned. The purpose of this thesis is to have an in-depth understanding of H?lderlin as both a translator and translation theorist. This thesis, at first, presents H?lderl


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