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内容摘要 在现代性的政治哲学话语中,公平正义一直被塑造为最重要的政治价值。何谓正 义?纵观西方正义理念的历史沿革,思想家纷纷提出了不同的正义范式、建构不同的正 义理论。作为西方政治理论中最主要的术语之一,马克思和恩格斯也对正义进行过论述。 近年来,人们围绕着马克思的正义理论进行了很多的研究,特别是西方马克思主义者就 马克思是否谴责资本主义为非正义展开了长达30多年的“马克思与正义之争”,而争论 最主要的一个结论就是:马克思存在一种正义理论,或者认为其是一事实判断(伍德); 或者是把它理解为一种价值规范(胡萨米);还有一种观点认为正义是多维度的,应辩证 的来看(凯·尼尔森),他们分别引述马克思的原著来论证自己的观点。但是,我们不应 该忘记,马克思在哲学史上实现的是哲学变革,那他所建构的正义理论是和自由主义正 义理念分道扬镳。只从正面来阐述马克思正义思想显然是不足于阐释其真实含义,通过 与自由主义正义论的比较,可以清晰的展现马克思的正义原则以及马克思为其原则辩护 的方式。在谈论正义时,马克思确立了从物质利益等客观条件出发来探索社会历史发展 规律,建立了从历史维度解读正义,这为克服资产阶级宣扬的价值规范之无根性开启了 可能的路径,同时我们也应该避免对马克思正义思想作历史主义的解读,因为在其著作 中隐含着一些道德诉求,是我们无法忽视的。 关键字:自由主义;权利原则;历史主义 1 Abstract Equality and justice are always shaped as the most important political values in the political and philosophical discourse of modernity. What is justice? Throughout the historical evolutions of western justice idea, the thinkers have put forward various justice paradigms and have constructed various justice theories. As the main term in western political theory, justice was also expounded by Marx and Engels. In recent years, people have conducted numerous studies in terms of Marxs justice theory. Especially western Marxists have carried out a controversy about Marx and Justice for more than 30 years concerning whether Marx condemned the capitalism as unjust, among which the primary conclusion is that justice theory exists in Marx and justice is the judgment of fact(Wood); or justice is interpreted as a kind of criteria of value(Hasami); another view is that justice is multi-dimensional and should be viewed dialectically(Kai Nielsen). They demonstrated their own views by quoting Marxs books, but we should remember that Marxist philosophy brought about the philosophical revolution in the history of philosophy. And the justice theory he had constructed was divergent from his concept of justice of liberalism. Obviously it is not enough to elaborate the true meaning of Marx’s justice only from its positive side. After comparing with the concept of justice of liberalism, we co


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