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摘  要 在大学毕业生就业难这一问题已经越来越受到社会关注和研究的同时,女大 学毕业生就业过程中遭遇到性别歧视这个问题也愈加明显,那么,文章将试图对 该问题尤其是女大学生性别工资差距这一问题进行理论分析和实证研究,从而得 出结论并依此提出一些政策建议以解决这一不公平现象。 首先,通过对前人研究的现象分析我国女大学毕业生就业过程中受到性别歧 视这一问题的真实性及严峻性;其次,运用人力资本理论、偏好歧视理论、统计 性歧视理论、职业隔离理论和双重劳动力市场歧视理论等详细地分析了女大学生 工资劣势的理论依据和其客观性,为整篇文章奠定了理论基础;接着,通过对课 题组收集到的 30 余所大专以上高校应届毕业生的微观数据进行了就业率和工资 性别差异的描述性统计分析,得出女生就业率比男生低 11 个百分点、女生平均初 始月工资比男生少 221 元、男女生在特征差异上各自的优劣势以及哪些因素对各 自初始月工资的影响程度大小不同等结论,我国女大学生在就业率和初始工资上 存在劣势这一事实得以数据支持从而进一步得到证明;然后,在 STATA 软件中使 用 Blinder-Oaxaca 分解和分位数分解等工资差距分解方法对影响男女生初始月工 资的因素进一步详细的分解精准地测算出女生性别歧视造成的工资差距占整个工 资差距的 86.40%-98.90%;从分位数分解看,男女生工资差距在中位数上最小,而 在低分位数上最大,其性别歧视程度在各个分位数上都普遍较高,往低分位数方 向呈递增趋势,而往高分位数方向呈递减趋势,不过,总体来看性别歧视程度在 高分位数上比低分位数上严重;最后,根据文章的理论分析和实证研究得出的结 论提出一些切合我国国情的政策建议以便于从根本上解决我国女大学生就业歧视 这一问题。 关键词:女大学生就业;性别歧视;工资劣势; Blinder-Oaxaca 分解; 分位数分解 Abstract While the problem of the difficult employment of university students has been increasingly concerned and studied by society, female university graduates’ employment encountering the problem of gender discrimination is more and more obvious. So, the article attempts to undertake theoretical and empirical research to study this problem, especially the female college students’ gender wage gap, then comes to conclusions and proposes some policy suggestions to solve this unfair phenomenon. First of all, based on the phenomena of previous studies, the article will analyze the authenticity and seriousness of the problem, which is the gender discrimination problem in the employment process of our country’s female university graduates. Secondly, the article will detailed analyze the theoretical basis and objectivity of the female college students’ wage disadvantage by using some theories which conclude human capital theory, preference discrimination theory, theory of statistical discrimination, occupation isolation theory and dual theories of labor market discrimination, thus laying a theoretical foundation for the whole article. Thirdly, using the micro data of more than 30 colleges


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