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摘  要 这是一个经济全球化、技术信息化、顾客苛求化的时代,任何一个企业都面临 着日益复杂的内外部环境。企业要保持生存和发展,就必须根据不断变化的内外 部环境不断调整自己,特别是面对 2007 年以来的百年不遇的全球金融危机的时候, 审时度势地对企业进行变革和创新,以保持自己的核心竞争力。 流程再造理论是一个先进的管理理念和方法,国内外企业流程再造的应用研究 十分广泛。但是对企业间的流程再造的应用研究却并不多见。 本课题的研究目的在于研究企业间供应链流程再造的应用,为供应链流程再造 实施过程的具体操作实务提供实践依据,为企业间的流程再造提供参考价值。 本文的核心研究内容是企业间供应链流程再造的应用研究。研究和探讨根椐企 业战略的要求,在供应链管理中运用流程再造的理论,应用案例分析法对本论题 进行研究。具体包括以下的一些研究内容。 从企业间供应链流程概念出发,研究企业间供应链流程再造和企业内部流程再 造的不同并分析影响企业间供应链流程再造的重要因素,进一步研究企业间供应 链流程再造的实施步骤和方法。应用案例分析法,针对A公司供应链管理中存在的 问题,在分析吸嘴供应链流程现状的基础上,设计吸嘴的新供应链流程并建立联 合开发虚拟组织,解决提高吸嘴合格率、降低维修成本、减少备件成本和缩短交 货周期的问题。 关键词:供应链;流程再造;虚拟组织;企业间流程 -I- Abstract The age is under a global economy and information technology and excessive demands by customer, any enterprise will increasingly face the complex inner and outer environment. If the enterprise need keep the survival and development, it must always adjust the self according to the inner and outer environment often changed, especially for the global economic crisis since 2007, and consider the situation to change and innovate in enterprise, in order to keep the own core competitive capability. The process reengineering theory is an advanced management thought and method, the application research on the business process reengineering within the oversea or domestic enterprise is very comprehensive. But the application research on the business process reengineering between enterprises are less. This thesis aims at researching the application of the supply chain process reengineering between enterprises, and providing some practice proof for the detailed operation during the supply chain process reengineering implementation, and providing referenced value for the similar process reengineering project between enterprises. In this thesis, the main research content is the application research on the supply chain process reengineering between enterprises. Based on the enterprise stratagem requirement, under the supply chain management by applying the theory of the process reengineering,


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