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毕 业 实 践 报 告 题目/实践名称轿车传动器零件的数控加工 目 录 摘 要 Abstract 第一章 绪 论 1.1 一汽-大众汽车有限公司简介数控技术是用数字信息对机械运动和工作过程进行控制的技术,数控装备是以数控技术为代表的新技术对传统制造产业和新兴制造的渗透形成的机电一体化产品,即所谓的数字化装备,数控技术的应用不但给传统制造业带来了革命性的变化,使制造业成为工业化的象征,而且随着数控技术的不但发展和应用领域的扩大他对归计民生的一些重要行业(IT、汽车、医疗、轻工等)的发展起着越来越重要的作用,因为这些行业所需要装备的数字化已是现代发展的大趋势.在我国加入WTO和对外开放进一步深化的新环境下,发展我国数控技术及装备是提高我国制造业信息化水平和国际竞争能力的重要性保证.数控加工与编程毕业设计是数控专业教学体系中构成数控加工技术专业知识及专业技能的重要组成部分,通过毕业设计使我们学会了对相关学科中的基本理论基本知识进行综合运用,同时使对本专业有较完整的系统的认识,从而达到巩固、扩大、深化所学知识的目的,培养和提高了综合分析问题和解决问题的能力以及培养了科学的研究和创新能力。 选这个题目的目的是它能体现出我对所学知识的掌握程度和灵活规范的运用所学知识,在我认为要成为一名合格的在学生,以自己的的思路用所学的知识来完成一份成功的毕业设计是必不可少的。 本文通过毕业NC technology is the use of digital information on the mechanical movement and the work process control technology, numerical control equipment is based on CNC technology as the representative of the new technology to traditional industry and burgeoning manufacturing to penetrate the formation of integration of mechanical and electrical products, the so-called digital equipment, numerical control technology applications not only to the traditional manufacturing industry has brought revolutionary changes, the manufacturing sector to become a symbol of industrialization, and with the development of NC technology and the expansion of application fields not only for his return to Ji Minsheng some of the important sectors ( IT, automotive, medical, light ) development plays a more and more important role, because these industries need equipment digital is a modern development trend. In Chinas accession to the WTO and opening up to further deepen the new environment, the development of numerical control technology and equipment is to raise our country manufacturing industry informatization level and the importance of the competition ability. CNC machining and programming of CNC teaching system of graduation design is formed in NC machining technology of professional knowledge and professional skills important constituent, through the graduation design so that we learn the related discipl



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