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System of System Engineering Macro - Engineering 系统设计,规划工程教育新途径 Integrated Engineering with Biomaterials Integrated Engineering with Computer Science Integrated Engineering with Medical Biophysics Integrated Engineering with Business Integrated Engineering Program http://www4.registrar.uwo.ca/Calendars/index.cfm 集成整合,开拓工程教育新疆界 … … 教育部战略研究基地:浙江大学科教发展战略研究中心(RCSTEP) 教育部战略研究基地 浙江大学科教发展战略研究中心 2007.11 工程教育:问题与建议 王沛民 不容乐观的现状 咄咄逼人的形势 班门弄斧的建议 不容乐观的处境 Problem_1 工程教育的目标错乱 The goal of Engineering Education in China is for making scientists but not engineers. 科学家探究已有的世界, 工程师开创全无的天地。 Scientists study the world as it is, engineers create the world that never has been. ??????? --Theodore von Karman (1881.5.11-1963.5.6) /wiki/Theodore_von_Karman Problem_2 工程教育与工程实践脱离 Engineering Education in China is lack of practices, which is the soul of engineering. Engineering is the art of applying scientific and mathematical principles, experience, judgment, and common sense to make things that benefit people. Engineering is the process of producing a technical product or system to meet a specific need. —— ASEE Engineering practice models of engineering education Problem_3 局限于技术教育,而技术内容又相当狭窄 Both of narrowly technical engineering education and technically narrow engineering education coexist in China. Thompson, J.: New BEng and MEng courses Proc. 4th International Conference on the Education and Training of Engineering Designers London, 1985 Call for integration of CIRs, Engineering, HASS GIRs (math, physics, chem, etc.) Problem_4 尚无健全的工程师制度 Engineer qualification system is not established in China. Certification (qualification) accreditation license/charter 工业/行业/政府 制定用人资格标准; 职业团体/政府主办 职业资格考试 (基于考试) 政府发放 执业许可证 (基于法规) 大学提供鉴定 合格的专业计划 (基于评估) 工程师协会 等职业团体为主的鉴定 工程教育已经实现了“四化” ! 培养目标:科学家 边缘化 去工程化 学术化 软、虚、娱乐化 过程:理论导向 方法:通才、素质教育 办学目标:综合大学 At the crossroads or in the impasses ? 反正都是一个问题 ! O I D C Operate Implement Design Conceive Learning by thinking Learning by doing L