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Learning aims: 了解英语书面表达的评分标准。 掌握书面表达的类型及写作技巧。 能够应用写作技巧及所学知识,完成书面表达的写作。 书面表达评分标准(5+1) 第一档(13-15分) 信息完整,表达流畅,无语言错误或基本无语言错误。 第二档(10-12分) 信息基本完整,表达较流畅,有少量语言错误,但不影响意思表达。 第三档(7-9分) 能传达部分信息,表达不够流畅,语言错误较多,但句子基本可读。 第四档(4-6分) 只能传达少量信息,表达不流畅,语言错误多,只有少量句子可读。 第五档(0-3分) 只能传达个别信息,表达不清楚,只有个别句子可读。 认真审题,分析背景,找出文章要表达的中心。1 审文体 2 审人称 3审时态 将列出的核心词汇或短语整理成句子,使结构完整,符合表达习惯。 连 恰当运用关联词句,使得文章层次清晰,各个部分衔接自然。 美 修改词句,美化文章。在有把握的情况下改变句式或添加语句,展示自己的语言功底。 美 将草稿认真抄写到答题纸上,一定注意书写的注意事项。 最近,你在班上就 “父母能成为我们的朋友吗?”发起一项调查。以下是调查结果: 请你就调查数据写一份调查报告。不少于80词。 I surveyed my classmates about their views on whether parents can be friends. According to the survey, 40 percent students think it impossible to make friends with parents, because parents are too busy to care about them. On the other hand, 60 percent students believe they can make friends with parents. Their parents often chat with them like friends at home. In my opinion, it is easy for parents and children to be friends as long as they communicate with each other. In short, no one can stand in the way of the friendship between parents and children if they are ready to share their feelings. I surveyed my classmates about their views on whether parents can be friends. According to the survey, 40 percent students think it impossible to make friends with parents, because parents are too busy to care about them. On the other hand, 60 percent students believe they can make friends with parents. Their parents often chat with them like friends at home. In my opinion, it is easy for parents and children to be friends as long as they communicate with each other. In short, no one can stand in the way of the friendship between parents and children if they are ready to share their feelings. 表格类作文模板 Beginning: I surveyed…about their views on…. / We had a discussion about… Different people have different ideas. Body: Information of the table your opinions Ending: In a word,… 时尚对你来说意味着什么?你的时尚态度又是什么?请根据以下表格简要介绍这几位同学及你自己的
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