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煤矿漏电保护系统的设计 摘 要 漏电保护是保证煤矿井下安全供电的三大保护之一,是防止人身触电的重要措施。有选择性的漏电保护是指当电网发生漏电故障时,能够有选择地发出故障信号或切断故障支路电源,而非故障部分继续工作。从而减小故障停电范围,便于寻找漏电故障,缩短漏电停电时间,提高供电的的可靠性。 本文主要对矿井漏电保护的五种保护原理进行了比较详细的介绍。并对五种漏电保护原理进行较为深刻的比较、分析和总结。分别阐述了它们各自的优缺点。并且运用五种原理之一的零序电流方向保护原理,设计一套井下有选择性的漏电保护系统,并对其运用MATLAB进行仿真。最后,对仿真出来的波形图也进行了必要的比较和分析。 关键词:漏电保护;矿井电网;零序电流方向; Leakage protection system design of the coal mine ABSTRACT: Leakage protection is to ensure coal mine safety of the power supply to protect one of the three is to prevent the person being electrocuted important measures. Selective leakage protection means that when the grid is leakage failure, to choose fault signal issued or cut off the power supply fault slip road, rather than some fault to work. Thus reducing interruption, easy to find fault leakage, leakage power outages shorten time and improve the reliability of electricity supply. This article of mine leakage protection of the five principles of the protection of a more detailed presentation. As well as the five principles of leakage protection for the more profound, analysis and summary. Expounded on their respective advantages and disadvantages. And use of one of the five tenets of the zero-sequence current direction of the protection of principle, Underground design a selective leakage protection system, and its use of MATLAB simulation. Finally, the simulation waveform map also the necessary comparison and analysis. Key words: Leakage Protection Underground Power Zero-sequence current direction 目 录 1绪论 3 1.1课题研究的背景 3 1.3课题研究的目的和意义 5 1.4本文的主要研究目的和工作任务 5 2.1 井下低压供电系统的基本特点 6 2.1.1 变压器的运行方式 6 2.1.2 矿井低压电网电压等级 6 2.2 井下低压电网的漏电分析 7 2.2.1 单相漏电分析 7 3.1 对漏电保护的要求 14 3.2 选择性漏电保护原理 15 3.2.1 漏电保护的选择性 15 3.2.2 附加直流电源的保护原理 16 3.2.3 零序电压的保护原理 19 3.2.5 零序电流的保护原理 25 保护原理 25 4 MATLAB仿真模型的建立及原理应用 29 4.1.1 零流方向保护原理图 29 4.1.2 MATLAB仿真图 29 4.2 选择性漏电保护装置 31 参考文献 36 1绪论 1.1课题研究的背景 漏电保护是保证煤矿井下安全供电的三大保护之一,是防止人身触电的重要措施。多年来,由于煤矿职工的不懈努力,井下电气事故,特别是人身触电事故,有显著减少。但是不可否认,事故仍然时有发生,应当引起我们的充分注意。 我国的煤炭生产,现在主要还是


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