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When listening, you should pay special attention to: 1.transitions: first/ also/ however/ because 2.语气变化: 加重语气、放慢语速,QA 3.Repetation 如何根据听到的关键词和常识去推测听力的内容: Example1: *Private space industry中我们听到:commercial stuff就够了,其他的内容可以猜猜看: 当科学家从事的活动都带有商业色彩之后,他们的工作必然会失去科学价值,因此不会加速科学的发现。 When scientists are mainly focusing on commercial stuff, their jobs will lose scientific value and as a result, important scientific discoveries will be delayed. Example2: School uniform中当我们听到:after school就够了,马上就能想到: 学生在学校要穿校服,在校外仍然会想穿fashionable的衣服,加上校服的花费,校服策略不会省钱。 Students may still buy a lot of fashionable and trendy clothes after school, so they will even spend more money if the have to buy a school uniform in addition. 我在考试中遇到了一个水能源汽车的题目engine using hydrogen as main power:资源容易获取(来自水分解);省钱(水便宜);无污染(燃烧后产物还是水) 听力反驳:资源不容易获取(需要pure liquid hydrogen,自然界没有);不省钱(生产这种engine 需要一种expensive metal);有污染(生成这种pure liquid hydrogen,要烧煤和石油 coal and petroleum) 在第三点中我只听到了coal and petroleum,结合前面一点听到的elaborated equipment,猜到: 提纯水分解氢气,需要燃烧大量的煤和石油,这时候仍然会产生大量的二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)污染环境 In order to operate the equipments, people have to burn a lot of coal and petroleum, so there is still carbon dioxide ejected by burning these resources. Write the Integrated Task Essay Introduction: 一句话: The lecture discusses the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics, which differs from the main idea in the reading that antibiotics are “wonder drugs.” The professor totally challenges the main idea mentioned in the reading material that private space industry would benefit both public and serious science. 两句话 In general, the lecture contradicts the idea that antibiotic are “wonder drugs” as the reading states. On the contrary, antibiotics are not wonder drugs because the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. The lecturer talks about research conducted by a firm that used the group system to handle their work. He says that the theory stated in the passage was very different and somewhat inaccurate when compared t


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