
Lesson 10 (for English majors 2011 秋季)【荐】.ppt

Lesson 10 (for English majors 2011 秋季)【荐】.ppt

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Lesson 10 (for English majors 2011 秋季)【荐】.ppt

多点触控技术始于1982年,当时多伦多大学首先研制出了指压多触点显示技术。同年,贝尔实验室发表了据信是将触摸屏技术用于接口设置的第一篇论文。21世纪初,该技术使各类公司得到发展,2007年苹果公司推出了iPhone,微软展示了桌面计算技术。尤其是iPhone引起了人们对多点触控计算机的广泛兴趣,因为该技术规模虽小,却大大增加了用户的互动。随之出现了更强大的、可为用户量身定制的多点触控设备,例如Perceptive Pixel 公司研制的壁式显示屏和台式设备可以允许20个手指同时操作。 Multi-touch technology dates back to 1982, when the University of Toronto developed the first finger pressure multi-touch display. In the same year, Bell Labs published what is believed to be the first paper discussing touch-screen based on interfaces. Various Companies expanded upon the development of this technology at the beginning of the 21st century. In 2007, Apple unveiled the iPhone and Microsoft debuted surface computing. The iPhone in particular has spawned a wave of interest in multi-touch computing, since it permits greatly increased user interaction on a small scale. More robust and customizable multi-touch solutions are beginning to become available. For example, the wall displays and tables developed by Perceptive Pixel can accommodate up to 20 fingers. * 早期天文学 古人也对夜晚所见天空中闪烁的群星怀有浓厚的兴趣。他们知道白天星星也在那里,只是看不见它们闪光,因为太阳光太强了。人们怎样会发现这一点的呢? 只有一种情况能让我们在白天看见星星,那就是日全食。月亮走到太阳前面,把它遮住。这时天空变暗,便可看见星星了。这种日全食并不常见,同一地区也许每隔五十四年只会碰上一次。我们可以想象,对于古人来说,这该是一种多么令人心惊胆战的景象啊,他们一生永远也不会忘记。 人类就是这样观察太阳、月亮和星体的运动,并产生疑问的,人们在思考它们是什么,以及他们在干什么的时候,其实就是在从事对科学的最古老的学科 天文学的研究。 Lie-detector camera looks into your eyes ??? A new heat-detecting camera can catch a liar in the act - at least 75% of the time, according to a small scientific study out today. ??If additional tests confirm its ability, the lie-detector camera might one day be used by airport security to apprehend terrorists before they get on an airplane, says researcher James Levine of the Mayo Clinic. But one critic questions whether the camera would ever be reliable enough to be used on a large scale, or whether it could spot someone who plans to commit a crime. ??? Levines group reported their early findings in todays Nature. ??? Levine and his colleagues


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