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20 10-10 22( 5) A CTA EDITOLOGICA 397 张 峻 5 () 6, 430072, 共同第一作者和作者同等贡献的描述在国外科技期 / 0 () , 刊中多见, 国内期刊中亦有增多趋势, 但因 也会带来滥用作 者署名权的问题针对 类问题, 认为应主张在接受投稿时就 , 引入作者关于各自贡献的陈述, 这有利于审稿人编者读者甄 , 别作者排名的真实性, 监督作者署名权的使用, 维护科研工作 , , 的严谨性 , 科技期刊; 作者署名; 共同第一作者; 作者贡献 , A uthorsh ip p rob lem s about co-f irst authors and au thor , / con tribu tions in sci- tech j ournalsM ZHANG Jun 0, A bstrac t Co-fir t au thor and equal contribution tatem ent are comm on in paper of w e tern c-i tech journal, and appear more often now in Chine e c-i tech journal and may lead to abu e of () author h ip. A dop tion of author contr ibu tion tatem en t when , ubm itting a paper i helpful for peer-v iew er , journal, and reader judg ing the truth of author h ip, and upholding the , preci ene of c ientific re earch. , , K ey w ord s c-i tech journa;l author h ip; co-fir t author ; , author contr ibu tion , A uthorps add ress Editor ial Department of M ed ical Journal of ; , W uhan Un iver ity, W uhan Un iver ity, W uhan 430072, Ch ina , , 5() 6 , , , , 2, , , , , / , 0 , 2 ; , [ 1] , / 0 / 02, 1


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