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1999 12 19 6 Chin J D ig , D ecember 1999, Vol 19, N o 6 ) 369 ) ## A 姚光弼 王宝恩 = A 2b ( I FNA 2b) ( ) ( ) 12 6 500 , , 2954 IFN ( 2 198 , 756 ) ; 3 54 6 IF N ( 2 64 2 , 904 ) M E DLI NE ( CBM D) I FN , M arkov , 30 ( P 0 05) 30 , 5 32 4 06 , 5 41 4 27 5 180 9 0 66 , 2 509 3 7 22 30 I FN , 42 820 , 25 097 ; 65 440 , 33 382 IFNA 2b = A 2b Economic analysis of recombinant interferon alpha 2b in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C YA O Guangbi , WA N G B aoen. Shang hai J ing A n Qu Centr al H osp itsal, Shang hai 200040 = Abstract Objective T he aim of t his study is to evaluate the long-t erm econom ic imp act and benef it of tr eatm ent of chronic hep atitis B and C w ith inter feron A2b Methods Data of 6 500 p atient s w it h chronic hepatitis B and C from 12 teaching hospitals in diff er ent areas o f China w ere collected and analyzed Cohort s of t hese p at ient s w ith either chronic hepatitis B ( 2 198 cases) or chronic hep at itis C ( 756 cases) treated w ith IFNA 2b w ere compared w ith a non- IFN treated cohor t ( B 2 642 and C 904 cases) Data sources regarding natural histor y, progr ession , eff icacy and cost s of IFN ther apy from M EDL IN E and Chinese Bio- M edical Database ( CBM D) sear ch w ere also included Using a decision analysis softw are pr ogram , M ar kov computer simulation w as p erfo rm ed to estim ate the pro gression of disease and econo m ic analysis Results T he 30 years disease prog ression to co mp en sated and unco mp en sated cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinom a both


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