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摘 要 乙烯工业是石油化学工业的龙头,是我国国民经济的重要支柱产业之一。它的发展标志着一个国家石油化工的发展水平。乙烯裂解炉的改进对整个乙烯厂的经济效益有着直接的影响。因此本论文的主要任务是对吉林石化乙烯裂解炉——SRT-TV型炉进行考核,并根据考核结果提出合理改进方案。考核的主要内容是裂解炉热负荷、燃料用量、热效率、桥墙温度及最高火焰温度等。 在整个计算的过程中,主要采用物料衡算、热量衡算及焓差法。其中,热负荷包括对流段热负荷和辐射段热负荷。辐射段热负荷中反应热的计算比较复杂。由于缺乏反应温度时的物性数据,因此使用了HESS定律,通过1100K时的数据推算实际反应温度时的反应热。在此过程中还使用了经验公式估算生成热、根据氢平衡估算C5以上产物的组成和含量。当求得裂解炉热负荷后,又计算了热效率和燃料用量,并依据试差法计算出桥墙温度和最高火焰温度。在查所需数据时,经验公式法和内插外延法起到了至关重要的作用。 通过核算,知该裂解炉热负荷为67.689×106 kJ/h,燃料用量1407.115kg/h,热效率91.27%,桥墙温度944.5℃和1858.2℃。当用烟气的余热来预热燃料气和空气达到热量的合理利用以完成优化后,燃料用量1386.803kg/h,热效率92.60%,烟气排放量也由原来的23780.049标m3/h23436.784标m3/hEthylene industry as the first important part in petrochemical industry is one of mainstay industries in the economics of state.It is the symbol of developing level of the state.The improvement of ethylene cracking furnace has a direct impact on the economy for the whole operation of ethylene plant. Therefore, the main task of this paper is to examine the ethylene cracking furnace of Jilin Petrochemical—SRT-TV type furnace.What’s more, a reasonable scheme is proposed regarding the accounting results.The main contents assessed are thermal load of the cracking furnace,fuel consumption, thermal efficiency, the bridge wall temperature and the maximum flame temperature,etc. The main method of the design is material and thermal balance and enthalpy difference method in the whole calculation process.Among them, the thermal load include the convection section and radiation section.The calculation in the radiation section is difficulty.There is no the physical property data at the reaction temperature,so that the law of HESS is used as calculating the reaction heat according the physical property data at 1100K.In the process,the mothed of estimating formation heat by empirical equation and guessing the compose and content of C5+ in the products according to the hydrogen-balance.Then thermal efficiency and fuel consumption is calculated,and the bridge wall temperature and the maximum flame temperature is


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