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* 00000 Character Rising China Bests a Shrinking Japan (abridged) 中国崛起,日本衰落 崛起中国击沉衰退日本 崛起的中国超越衰退的日本 China passed Japan in 2010 to become the worlds second-largest economy after the U.S., a historic shift that has drawn mixed emotions in the two Asian powers: resignation tinged with soul-searching in long-stagnant Japan, pride but also caution in an ascendant China wary of shouldering new global responsibilities. 2010年,中国取代日本成为仅次于美国的世界第二大经济体,这是亚洲两个相互有复杂情感的大国之间的一个历史性的交替:一个是处于经济长期不景气寻求自我反省但又无可奈何地滑落的日本,一个是处于经济上升期感觉扬眉吐气但又对承担全球责任持谨慎态度的中国。 Resignation:无可奈何 (常用作“辞职、放弃、顺从) Tinge with:略带、、、色/气味 For the U.S., while Japan was in some ways an economic rival, it also has been a geopolitical and military ally. China, however, is a potential challenger on all fronts. 对美国来说,日本在某些方面既是美国经济上的对手,又是地缘政治和军事上的盟友。但是,中国不一样,它是美国潜在的全面的挑战者。 Chinas ascent has been the main source of popular legitimacy for the ruling Communist Party. But Beijing worries that the mantle of economic titan comes with unwanted obligations for a country still in many ways poor. China Surpassing Japan to Become Worlds Second Biggest Economy—But Not the Second Strongest, said the headline on a recent article on the website of the Peoples Daily, the partys flagship newspaper. 中国的崛起一直是中国共产党被认为具有执政合法性的主要缘由。但北京又担心成为经济巨人后所带来给这个在许多方面仍然发展不足的国家的不必要的义务。“中国仅仅是超越日本成为第二大经济体,而不是世界第二强的经济体”,正如中国共产党的旗舰报纸人民日报网站最近刊发的一片文章的标题所说的。 Mantle:地幔;斗篷;覆盖物 ,这里理解为“表面下、头衔下,或直接不译” Both still remain considerably smaller than the American economy. Japan and China combined are still worth less than the U.S.s 2010 GDP of $14.66 trillion. But the news marks the end of era. For nearly two generations, since overtaking West Germany in 1967, Japan stood solidly as the worlds No. 2 economy. The new rankings symbolize Chinas rise and Japans decline as global growth engines. 但中日两国经济体的规模还是不及美国,日本和中国2010年的GDP加起来仍然小于美国当年的14.66万亿美元。但是中国取代日本成为世界第二大经济体标志着一个时代的终结。近两代人都清楚,日本自1967年取代西德以来稳坐世界经济第二把交椅。新的排名象征着中国的崛起和日本作为世界经济增长引擎的衰退。 At


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